Monday, December 17, 2012

House Project : Dealing with contractor(s)

Dear Mr B,
What is blog anyway? Tak de lah... kot orang definition dan tujuan pun lain2....
When I started blogging.... (I think I repeated this again... the "long time ago" story) so better stop before you get bored.
Hmmm... by the way, Mr B, boleh tak I imagine muka you macam Daddy Long Leg "the novel" not spider, dan sipi2 macam character Seth Tan of Nora Elena? Can? Ok set.. baru syok sket. But I don't want macam Aaron Aziz kay. Sebab that is a real character. I need a fiction character yang aku boleh kasitau my problems tapi tak ada balasan.. Ha, macam concept novel "Daddy Long Leg"... tapi novel tu, ialah keratan surat2 kepada Daddy Long Leg tu kan...
Blog to me is anything that I feel. Oh bukanlah semua. Gila kalau semua. Eh, semua pun boleh. As long as it is a private blog, like my other 2 blogs.
Tapi yang public ni, is supposed to be my project journal. So harus tak aku tulis journal ni bila something comes up? Yes? Of course to me yes.

Amendenyer yang urgent sangat nak tulis? Sebab........
 aku dapat quotation wiring .....teka berapa Mr B?
Rasa nak cabut2 rambut. haha. Nasib baik dah ada prinsipal "setiap problem sure got resolution".
Aku rasa En H ini ialah seorang yang tak berapa nak structured. Aku rasa Ah Choong tu structured sikit tapi pun sama jelah lebih kurang. Suka na agak2.. Cuba jot down sket. And share sket concern or issues. Kan senang settle?
So how do I solve the problems?
I trust that every business man or business owner dah memang selalu buat kerja quotation so tak lah nak ajar memula tu. Dah naik 3 kali aku jumpa dia, tapi takkkkk gakkkkkk dapat firm quotation. So, today, I put my foot down, and I have to "manage" the situation.
1. I took out a paper.
2. I draw what I want and where I want it
3. I took out another paper
4. I list down the items and the work that might be involved for that items, then I asked him straight away how much is the cost for each items.
5. terus calculate kan pada dia.
6. I think either he needs me as his clerk or sales person. or he needs to be managed for the calculation supaya dia tak rugi dan aku tak kena overcharged by dia.
And how much is the final cost? Last quotation is RM5800 that is including a 9ft x 7 ft awning, concealed wiring, plaster ceiling, tebuk lubang downlight, pasang lampu dan kipas.
And knowing he is a bit slow in "congak2", I kept repeating of what is needed by him, what items will i purchase for him ie. tiles and switch casing etc. 3 hours after, baru dia lega.  I came to know, selama-lama ni, dia congak2 salah, dia kerugian dalam beberapa project. So tu yang dia tak berapa nak sure walaupun dah 3 kali aku jumpa dia.
So oklah. Walaupun aku about 1.8k over budget, at least esok dia dah boleh start kerja. Over budget tu, boleh carik. Mesti boleh punya. It wasn't 11k, so insyaAllah boleh.

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