Monday, December 16, 2013

Hibernation project

I determined to make the coming 2 years as my hibernation years.

So one of my plan is to get certified in PMP and to get my master degree...

Ramai kawan2 I tak perlu pun master master ni semua nak jadik COO ker director ker GM ker.. tapi I saja jelah ambik to increase my value. Lagipun ilmu apa salahnya... but it will come with sacrifices and time.

So my first project will be to sit in the PMP exam and pass the exam.

Training done.

Now it is the time to study.

I got to register first of course... nak register ni pun liat sungguh sebab kena ingat balik years of project experience... ramai plak dah resign so tengah pikir sapa nak jadik referees.

Banyak kan project I.... semua terbengkalai...huhuhuhu....

1 comment:

  1. I hope your two plans work out. Don't think twice about them; no education is ever wasted.
