Sunday, February 3, 2013

Office story

I am still on medical leave.
Too bad that my boss is also on medical leave. So terpaksalah pepagi buat conference call untuk settlekan a few things.
I senang stress plak sekarang ni. Dulu I steady pom pom pit.
Hari-hari yang mendatang, rasa macam tak seronok lagi. Alahai, baru pindah rumah, perasaan best tu macam sekejap jer lepas tu datang pulak ujian kerja. For 2 years, kerja bagi aku is so easy. Everything I can handle.
Now maybe a bit different. Maybe ujian to step up the game ke apa kan? ker sebab dah mundane, not a challenge anymore ker? entah!
Dah 2 posts about "my worries and office", it must have been bothering me a lot. This blog should only be about projects not luahan rasa.. ops!
Will be back with projects posts. (maybe projects : resignation or tukar kerja ker kan) hahahhahaa!
tak lah, I setia. lagipun sapa nak bayar rumah ni kang! huhu....

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