Wednesday, October 17, 2012

House Project : Oven

My old oven is indesit. It works well up until today. I am not sure if my tenant use it, I hope they do not use itlah. Tak susah nak samak nanti.

I basically love my oven because it did not give me any problem. Bak kata orang, masuk oven, keluar best aja... dan walaupun conventional oven, panas top, bottom, both top bottom, fan semua ada.

The logic is if 12 years back the technology is so good like that, if they improvised it, it will be better right? And so I thought. When I booked my Pacifica oven, I did not know that nowadays this oven is called "conviction oven"....

I just discovered about this nightmare. And it is 1 of many mistakes I did during this project process... Sometimes I asked myself. How did this happen. I googled a lot. I learnt a lot from other blogs and I still made mistakes??? Rasa nak nangis tau.

I did not take long to decide on my purchase 12 years back. Indesit is not really a good brand at that time. Geez..... so be careful of 6 functions - that is the lessons learnt in this journey...

I should just go with my instinct - electrolux. but at that particular time, the salesperson was...... not trying to sell. She was lacking the enthusiasm. She is not highlighting the best features of electrolux, surprisingly was telling us on the downside of the product and the installation technician. So... that lead us to Pacifica.........

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