Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Coming to anniversary date soon!

Sometimes last year, I was a bit busy with the house...

I remember I was so stressed over contractors.. ordering things, getting things come on time and coordinating the jobs with contractors.

We made the fastest "house move" record with complicated requirements..  especially on the wiring part. It is the most headache part of all!! So make sure you get 1 good electrician who has enough time for you and do not have many jobs at the same time. When he focus on you, your schedule will be followed through... :P

I will make my anniversary entry soon.

Our progress. 

Our living and dining room have furnitures now... flashback....we only have 50k to spend so we decided to leave out the furnitures... I have specific requirements for furnitures and lighting so I prefer to live with nothing than getting something not to my vision.... :)

It is still not perfect though. we have limited budget so it is going to be sometimes next year before it will look like my vision.

I just completed my study area last night.. our family area quite big which is also one of my favourite space in the house. The original plan is to use all white IKEA furnitures, but IKEA furnitures in Malaysia is SOOOOO expensive! back in singapore it is so affordable!

So since study area is very important, I have to substitute it with a cheaper version. I hope I can replace it soon!


I have stopped maintaining the garden as I could not have what I want (due to limited financial budget). So terukkan!

Lagi satu, I am just busy with other personal things and careers, I seldom have time at home even during weekend!

Bau busuk

ha maghrib smalam ada, tapi sekejap.. It is more seldom that when we first move there. It did not bother our activity at all... tak de la sampai weekend kena pegi rumah kakak ker pegi window shopping ker sebab tak nak bau... haaa tu memang langsung tak dek ya! weekend kalau boleh memang suka duk rumah tapi akhir taun ni banyak lak aktiviti social!

The quarry thing...

Dulu tak berapa annoying sangat hal ni. I pun bukan environmentalist sangattttt ...

TETAPIIIII....... kalau lalu nak pegi komuter, sakit dada I tengok bukit bukau tu kena korekkk.... I think too much maybe. But I want the Majlis Perbandaran Nilai to STOP this.....

Dalam alquran ada sebut kenapa Allah jadikan bukit bukau, bahawasanya bumi ni dulu bergegar, dan Allah jadikan bukit bukau dan gunung ganang sebagai "ala lupa word yang di guna dalam terjemahan" tapi lebih kurang bermaksud, pencagak supaya tak bergegar...

I know the quarry company bukan muslim punya company, mana laa depa tau gunung tu Allah jadikan untuk apa ye tak? tapi yang meluluskan tu aku guarantee sure muslim!

ha ok da jumpa ayat Quran tu......

surah an-Nahl ayat 15 yang bermaksud “Dan Dialah Allah yang telah memasakkan gunung-gunung di bumi agar bumi itu tidak bergerak dan bergoncang bersama kamu”. 

Kalau ko korek bukit2 tu jahhhhh, nanti jadik bencana alam acaner jahhhhh oooiiii!!!!!

Tolong sapa2 yang ada power kan MPN tu kasik share sket surah tu! Bila aku tengok quarry company tu upgrade bangunan dia syantek2 alamak ni macam semua bukit bukau tu dia nak korekkkk.. dulu bangunan dia cam nak runtuh jer kannn....

Tu lah dia yang aku tengah tensen skarang..

Bau busuk is something you can eliminate in no time. but natural disaster caused by human is the real threat to PAJAM ok!

How do you tell this to non-believer. It is something that has not happenned. Arghhh tension tension!

1 comment:

  1. bukit depan rumah aku pun dah kena korek. meluat!

