Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 days without internet and TV, school in Pajam and nursery...

I would say that we start to speed things up on 31 Dec 2012. (really speed things up like 200km/hour)
I was supposed to work that day. I mengemas dan angkat barang/boxes during weekend (the M-day was on 29th Dec's night kan) sampai kaki bengkak. So at that point, I memang dah tak boleh drive as I have pushed myself to the limit.
I was on medical leave 31st Dec tu. I remember I told myself over and over again, even though my foot dah cedera, I still have to finish this, so the kids can start school and my parents can stay here comfortably.
So dengan keadaan yang begitu, bila the electrician tak datang nak habiskan hacking hari tu, I memang lah menjerit over the phone. esp when he promised me dia nak duit the day before so he will finish all the work by monday. 12pm monday,  still no sign of him, I was so mad and scream to him over the phone and to my relief he came to my place within 1 hour. Nasib baik habis. Lepas tu I gaduh lagi dengan dia, sapa plak nak tampal kopak2 tu, as I do not want to pay extra to any guys to help me conceal just coz he is so bad in coordination. So he agreed to settle it.
So walaupun he sucks at times, he can still be responsible dan tak berbelit2 macam En H so tahap ketensionan I pada dia tak lah se-max macam I tension dengan En H tu...
By 1st, all concealed, dah boleh bersihkan rumah. Tu yang kelam kabut on the 1st of January - cat rumah sana, kemas rumah sini.... sampai tak tahu new year.
Memang tak sempat tengok TV. And I was "disconnected" from my internet connection from 31st Dec onwards....except for FB - I can still check status via my BB.
Schooling in Pajam
In between supervising the contractors/electrician man/delivery man/ and mengemas, we dropped by to the SJKC Kg Baru Pajam to meet up with the headmistress.
It is good that we met her. We were able to clear the tension and "assumptions" of her request to interview the parents. We also got to know that she will be transferred to Seremban on 3rd of Jan.
Another bonus was, we found out through her that our 6 years old can join the SJKC Tadika there. (cuma kena minta tandatangan pengesahan dari majikan dan ketua kampung - bila i sibuk pasal rumah, memang quite a challenge to get the signature etc)...Anyway, that really solve our problems on tadika arrangement. Jauh juga Smart reader, and transport already a problem in this location. We were like.. so lost at the beginning and to think that we dropped everything to see her, dengan berpakaian ala2 contractor, compang camping dan basah sana sini, ada juga kebaikannya!
So we begin to like the SJKC school and the tadika. The tadika setup quite new and modern (chairs and tables are new) so our 6 years old have no problems adjusting when we first brought him there. So solve all problems about school! Alhamdulillah....

School Transport in Pajam

Another problem we faced is transport. Dah lega sekolah2 ni semua within 1-2 km from our house, but transport pulak susah nak cari. I did try to ask from the PCH forums but semua senyap saja. So we assume, memang transport problems lah di lokasi ni, sangat menakutkan pada mulanya!

After the first week school over, we still can't find transport. We found one for our daughter to SK Batang Benar and that was it. Seram sangat!

That weekend we went to Singapore. Ahad pagi balik, I went for house painting and house handover in Puchong, while my hubby was assigned to solve the school transport issue.

Alhamdulillah we were able to solve it for all transport arrangement for the 3 school goers. Thanks to my hubby for his perseverence.

KAFA in Pajam

Having been in Selangor for all my life, I was also "culture shock" to know that the sekolah agama was not like what we used to have in Selangor.
Kalau nak yang "normal" have to travel all the way to Beranang ikut jalan kampung, which is abt 10 mins drive melalui kebun2 dan sunyi. Transport yang dekat lagikan problems ini kan ke Beranang?
I decided to drop the idea of "normal" sekolah agama, and brave myself to follow with the "norms" in Pajam saja. I get to know the class only 3 days in a week (which breaks my heart sebab I doubt it so much apa lah sangat yang mereka dapat belajar, or whether they will get to learn like what I used to have during my SRA days). But since we have little choice (and no better choice), that looks like the best choice ever. Dekat 500 ustazah, dan 500 kali aku tanya ustazah dan ustaz if anak aku boleh apply masuk asrama penuh sekolah ugama dengan peperiksaan UPKK darjah 5 tu saja. hahahaa! like macam real lah aku dah decide to send my daughter to sekolah agama asrama penuh gitu kan! Talk about being a kiasu mum!
UPKK is a standardized and recognized "peperiksaan dan sijil" all over the state. While periksa darjah enam tu cuma Selangor jer yang recognize huhuhuhu....
So basically we have solved this problems with this choice. Cuma anak2 akan terus ke sekolah petang dari sekolah pagi mereka. tak payah tukar uniform. (kira membazir jer aku beli uniform sekolah agama tu kan...)

Aku juga culture shock bila tau, sekolah disini cuma ada satu session saja. SK Batang Benar juga masuk TV9 new year hari tu sebab dikatakan "sesak" , so aku a bit terkejut dengan "sesak" tu bila dia cuma ada 3 kelas jer.... habis Puchong and cyberjaya kira lagi sesak lah kan? huhu...


Lagi satu problems ialah nursery arrangement for our 4th child and "transit" children. Tak nampak plak ada nursery kat kawasan ni, sampai lah we all interview staff Seri Pajam. Baru tahu ada. tapi being the only 1, memang lah "sesak"... but that is the only best choice we have.

Again, we will live with this arrangement until we have a better solution.

The Kid's Comments

1 obvious good thing is, all the kids enjoy their new school. Infact they said it is a better school than their previous school. mungkin sebab environment kampung, sekolah kecik, dan "nilai-nilai murni" yang di terapkan so budak2 tak havoc sangat macam kat Puchong tu.
Itu kami lega.
Sebenarnya, aku ingat lagi. Masa aku nak beli rumah di Nilai Impian dulu, the owner said , dia hantar anak-anak dia ke Batang Benar sebab "nilai-nilai murni" yang diterapkan. So dia memang tak nak hantar ke Taman Semarak yang walaupun sedikit bandar dan modern tapi budak2 sangat senang terpengaruh.
So maybe Allah kasi I jumpa owner tu bukan untuk beli rumah (as the deal was burst) but to give me lessons learnt about the school.
Memula kitorang phobia dengan nama tu. Sebab sangat kampung dan sedikit "weird" nama dia.. hehehehehheehe... langsung tak glamer. But we learnt to accept the fact that nama tak penting, yang penting akhlak anak2.... dan the surroundings.
Adjusting to new location
The traffic was quite bad approaching to KTM Batang Benar every morning, so we have to leave early. Another challenge is after UPM and towards Sg Besi, dah 2 hari terperangkap dengan jam. Hari ni sampai office 915am. Sebab ada lori rosak di TUDM. Kena make U-Turn and take MEX highway.

Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully we will adjust to this new location a bit faster so everyone can settle down asap.


  1. Salam Hanis,

    Alhamdulillah dan tahniah dah masuk rumah baru..
    lega dengar w/pun byk probs at the beginning tapi Allah sentiasa tunjuk jalan kan... berjiran setaman la kita..kalau jumpe kat speedmart ke say hi la ye hihihi...btw, if you dont mind to share, rumah you yg oppo the seri pajam office tu ke? i teka je sbb nmpk ada 2 rumah je yg menyala lampu...

    anak2 sy next yr br msk darjah 1, kalau sk batang benar spt yg u katakan, lega jugak dgr tp the fact pasal sek agama tu pun i mcm u jgk, nk anak pg sek agama. I ada terfikir dl N9 cmmane sek. agama nya tp tak seacrh info sbb dok pikir lmbt lg kan...

    so, selamat mendeko2 rumah..jgn lupa upload gambar..

  2. Thanks Husna. memang akan tegur punya, tapi jangan pelik dah lah ya hehe..

    deko rumah not even in the list now. More in tidying the house and sadly "rectifying" the imperfection/problems. we zerorize our bank balance dengan jayanya already :)
