Thursday, February 28, 2013

Weak sign

Yesterday I was sobbing dari tengahari, petang, bawak ke malam, dan bawak ke tidur..

Pukul 2am baru tidur.

I was angry.

and frustrated.

so bila 830am punya meeting dengan my boss or let call him now the "higher authority", I was provoking him on his decision. sambil mata tu merah dan kejap2 i keluar kesat air mata.

air mata geram.

tak nak surut plak air mata tu.

haha! giler bodoh la kan, ko nak nangis depan ceo ekekekeke! it shows your weaknesses!

I think ceo maybe terkejut dengan reaction aku. haha ambekkk ko ingat aku tak lemah???


Mata merah tapi garang haha. soklan2 aku macam ni,

"why do you NOT have the confidence enough to push this back to xx dpt. they are also direct report to you?"

bila dia kata board of directors are pleased with our changes in "whatever that I undertake", i rebutted him with "yes but that sentiment is not shared with people on the floor" yelah sebab semalam hr share ngan aku yang it is not effective "breathing down the neck" of the head of dept and sadly still "not much changes". hampeh kan ? so aku naik angin dari semalam, ha amekkk aku provoke terus ceo.. just to be synical about it.

at least now 2 others manager understand and get the message directly from the "higher authority".


the closing remarks aku ialah..bila dia kata "bear in mind kalau u buat "kerja lain" you will still facing the hod and it is equally tuff... " and i said "just because i cried infront of you does not mean I cd not do the job" hahahahahahahaha!

kan? aku tak senyum pun! aku tak marah pada dia. but I am just making a BIG statement supaya kedua manager lain tu dengar dan boleh la ko nak gossip2 liar kat bawah tu.


  1. Cry as much as you want. It's healthy ventilation of worries and frustrations, even joy. You'll be ready again when dry.

  2. thanks for the wisdom, as always en wahi. you have been a great motivator. jangan lupa singgah rumah on your trip down to malaysia. i hope you still keep my hp no?
