Last night I was having a deep thoughts talk with my husband.
We were analysing why the higher authority asking for my salary via his secretary. Did I offend him? We elaborated the incidents before and after etc with great lengths.
I admitted to my husband that during the PMS discussion I did asked him for clarifications on some of his decision. ie. I said "if i am having the authority i have axed this GM on my first day, what is the wisdom behind keeping this GM? we know this GM is lousy and has poor performance. it impacted the whole operations and our book, indirectly your performance.."
My husband said "you said that?"
"yes. I know i am just so outspoken but from my perspective, it is not my voice, i just want to get clarifications of info and the office talk about his decision."
"he will not know that"
"he is smart he will know. actually i wanted him to know it is just hard carrying his voice, you are subjected to all this kind of manipulation etc so you will lost the confidence and bond"
Btw, I kind of agree with the higher authority - it is a myth to say just coz you are the higher authority you can fire anyone.
it is still subject to labor law and if the dismissal is done correctly and rightly.
But anyway, just to add into the complication, I was being informed yesterday that the GM's (that I was talking about during PMS with him) last day will be today.
But it was just so hush hush, there is some talk to say that actually she is just being "rested"... so I did not know what happen actually.
My head is spinning.
And this morning, one of my colleagues who will be leaving bumped into me on the entrance door and he told me that the higher authority was asking him if his portfolio can be replaced by a snr exec and reports to me.
ok is that why there is this salary talk yesterday? This is how they make decision is it?
Me and my husband was thinking last night, if it is for promotion why asking for my last year salary, right?
We shall seelah apa akhirnya career aku di sini. Redha saja lah. Seperti usrah IKIM hari ni, manusia akhir zaman ni seperti buih2 di lautan.. suka dunia dan takut mati. Nauzubillah......
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I'm falling into pieces
I want to look back and read this entry.
Today is when I think this just got to end.
All my career life I was trying to feel what it's like to be closed to the management.
And I have a choice. be smart and be the great communicator, win win situation, maybe longer impact but long run may be more effective,
Just be me. superly outspoken to get the message accross so we could see faster results. and dun care anything else but results.
I need to shut my mouth sometimes. I need to lay back sometimes.
I was being stopped at this statement. If you are a boss, would you fire a guy who is superly smart but outspoken or average smart but obedience. (hey, but i am obedient to my boss just not to peers)
It got me depressed.
I kind of lose my identity now. I kind of giving up. I starting to doubt myself. or maybe if I ever want to put it positively "I am unlearning myself to learn back what I should become or how my attitudes over something should be".
I am clueless on finding balance - results vs great communications. Maybe it is hard to lose your existing identity that I need to grief about it.
arghh! it is just too hard. I want to laugh at myself one day when I read this.
Today is when I think this just got to end.
All my career life I was trying to feel what it's like to be closed to the management.
And I have a choice. be smart and be the great communicator, win win situation, maybe longer impact but long run may be more effective,
Just be me. superly outspoken to get the message accross so we could see faster results. and dun care anything else but results.
I need to shut my mouth sometimes. I need to lay back sometimes.
I was being stopped at this statement. If you are a boss, would you fire a guy who is superly smart but outspoken or average smart but obedience. (hey, but i am obedient to my boss just not to peers)
It got me depressed.
I kind of lose my identity now. I kind of giving up. I starting to doubt myself. or maybe if I ever want to put it positively "I am unlearning myself to learn back what I should become or how my attitudes over something should be".
I am clueless on finding balance - results vs great communications. Maybe it is hard to lose your existing identity that I need to grief about it.
arghh! it is just too hard. I want to laugh at myself one day when I read this.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
My conversation with him
Other than those words I wrote previously which I have been analysing non-stop till today, this morning I was really thinking hard what is the real message he was trying to tell me.
"your crime is being close to me"
What is that suppose to mean? And the book. What is he trying to tell me without telling me.
"You know how upfront and blunt I am right, if I am not happy with you I have summoned you to my office and I will tell you straight to your face"
But when it comes to telling me my weaknesses that has affected my performance scoring, he just said nothing. Just be yourself. How can I without any weaknesses? That made me very confused and led to anger. Angry because I resorted into making an assumption that he wants something from me but to settle the unrest, I have to understand certain decision.
I can move on without over analysing things. But I am just very concern I will be drown into this if I am not careful enough.
Trust noone. I am so much into supporting him and the vision, after all it is for the benefit of the kingdom but as much as I want to put my life into trusting him, I am not allowing myself do that.
I am suspicious with everyone right now. That is bad. very unislamic. Nevertheless I am trying very very hard to have self control.
"your crime is being close to me"
What is that suppose to mean? And the book. What is he trying to tell me without telling me.
"You know how upfront and blunt I am right, if I am not happy with you I have summoned you to my office and I will tell you straight to your face"
But when it comes to telling me my weaknesses that has affected my performance scoring, he just said nothing. Just be yourself. How can I without any weaknesses? That made me very confused and led to anger. Angry because I resorted into making an assumption that he wants something from me but to settle the unrest, I have to understand certain decision.
I can move on without over analysing things. But I am just very concern I will be drown into this if I am not careful enough.
Trust noone. I am so much into supporting him and the vision, after all it is for the benefit of the kingdom but as much as I want to put my life into trusting him, I am not allowing myself do that.
I am suspicious with everyone right now. That is bad. very unislamic. Nevertheless I am trying very very hard to have self control.
Tazkirah and TV therapy
Pagi tadi tazkirah pagi pasal apa ek?
I have short memory nowadays. owh ok, ada hadith ni bunyinya lebih kurang:
"Macamana nak selamat? Selamat itu dengan menjaga lidah dan.... (ok tak ingat).."
So lessons learntnya bagi aku ialah, jangan banyak sangat cakap yang sia2 sebab walaupun kita ingat tak berdosa tetapi kadang2 boleh menjadi dosa. Contoh, "eh ko bangun malam tak pagi tadi?" "aku bangun malam" orang lain akan anggap ko riak. So secara tak langsung ko dapat dosa2 kecil riak tu ataupun membuatkan orang lain rasa rendah diri or rasa tak syok. Banyakkan menangis bila mengenang dosa2 kita... orang yang boleh menangis disebabkan dosa ni hatinya lembut...
Bagus tu. Aku ni bila time insecured, aku banyak bercakap. Padahal apa yang perlu aku buat ialah berzikir...
TV therapy.
For the first time malam tadi aku tak berapa focus sangat on Merlin.
The only lessons learnt yang aku ambik ialah waktu Arthur lost his father, he was depressed, sad and feeling unsecured of his ability to rule the kingdom. (feeling it right?)
His enemy thought by killing his father, it will break him into pieces, ruined his confidence level and jeopardize the rakyat trust on him to rule the kingdom. That's why the plan to kill the father was being carried out. Intensely. (this political moves started thousands yearssss ago rupanya).
Arthur was desperate to heal the father, so desperate that he resorted to using magic - things that was made illegal by his father and having magic can even lead to death sentence. (sometimes we are too desperate on fixing something we forgot about integrity or what we believe in - this is part of EI)
So he was obviously devastated and down when the plan doesn't work. At some level made him into believing that his father's decision was right (that magic is illegal and whoever has it need to be put to death) and he can never trust magic ever. This crushed merlin. He was hoping he could tell Arthur who he really is. That Merlin's magic so far helped to save Arthur's life. (how do we tell someone about the good of something when there is strong perception that is bad?)
(you know how sometimes you are with this burden of knowing something but you just can't tell anyone? like today, i am not sure what is going on. why my boss was asking his secretary to check on my salary? is he really thinking of leaving and want me to come with him? that was what he said the other night btw. or is he thinking that I am not worth the salary? or is he thinking(a lot even during his 2 days business trip) why am i still whining after all the good salary revision that I am getting? arghh it's killing me. what is going on? I am not sure if I am still going to be the subject of political move or something like that - it is not the best feeling ever right now)
Back to Arthur. After 1 day/1 night of getting depressed about his father's death, (he was actually spending the night alone with the body of the father. Merlin was secretly keeping his company outside the room) the next morning, Arthur appears with different attitude. More positive than last night. "Merlin it's a new day" he said. (Yes, grief about it but move on the next day. You need to grief. In page 107 of "Working with Emotional Intelligence" it states that - "Workers with integrity are frank and acknowledging their feelings". So if you are not acknowledging your feelings please question of your consciousness on the integrity part, it is well connected. In page 102 - "Those who kept journals (writing about their emotions after being laid-off - a case study) found new jobs faster than those who didn't. The more accurately we can monitor our emotional upsets the sooner we can recover from distress).
So there. One good example of wisdom from a TV show.
Have you watched "Miss Advised"? It is on Astro SWR if I am not mistaken. At first I thought it is just a crap women tv show. But last night episode was kind of interesting.
Btw, Miss Advised is about 3 women and they are "love or relationship professional adviser" whose work is about giving advise to others. But when it comes to their own life, sometimes they themselves did not use their own advise. Get it?
Pernah tak kita be so good in advising our staff, or friends about something but when it comes to ourselves we just ruled down our own consciousness and advise and kind of do our own new rules? So familiar right?
Basically I came into conclusion that, we just need to hear wisdom from someone else. It is much more powerful than listening to yourself especially when you are in the state of confusion.
So I am not going to feel guilty if I appeared to be shaken easily by something when I know sometimes what to do. I just need to hear it from someone else once in a while.
People might see that I am strong but I am not going to hide that I have weaknesses as well.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Keadilan Allah yang di luar jangkaan akal manusia
Pagi tadi Ustaz Shanaz Sulaiman (tak berapa pasti nama ustaz tazkirah IKIM ni so sorry kalau salah) told another interesting story.. Loving his way of tazkirah - he does not tell jokes but still engaging.
We all know that Nabi Musa AS adalah nabi yang mempunyai mukjizat dapat berkata2 dengan Allah SWT kan. So ada satu kisah di mana Nabi Musa meminta Allah menunjukkan keadilanNYA. Maka Allah kata, boleh tetapi berjanjilah kamu dapat bersabar bila menyaksikannya.
Maka Nabi Musa pun naik ke atas satu tempat tinggi (or is it bukit) seperti yang di perintahkan untuk menyaksikan keadilan Allah.
Tidak lama kemudian, Nabi Musa nampak ada seorang lelaki menaiki kuda datang ke satu kawasan (yang lebih rendahlah kan... ) membawa satu karung guni. Selepas lelaki ni mengerjakan solat sunat, dia berlalu pergi tetapi tertinggal karung guni ni tadi....
Tidak lama dari itu, datang pula seorang anak kecil yang datang lalu mengambil karung guni yang tertinggal tadi.
Selepas itu pula, datang seorang lelaki tua yang buta datang ke kawasan yang sama. Lelaki tua buta ini mengerjakan solat sunat di kawasan itu dan bila dia telah selesai, lelaki yang berkuda tadi telah sampai ke tempat itu dan bertanya adakah lelaki tua buta ini mengambil karung guni dia yang tertinggal awal tadi. Terjadi sedikit exchange, "adakah kamu yang mengambil 1000 dinar aku?"
"bohong, aku telah tertinggal 1000 dinar aku di sini tetapi telah tiada sekarang..etc etc" lebih kurang lah ya...Rupa2nya karung guni yang dia tertinggal itu mengandungi duit yang bernilai 1000 dinar.
di mana akhirnya lelaki berkuda tadi telah membunuh lelaki tua yang buta tadi ni kerana mensyaki dia lah yang mencuri duit 1000 dinar itu.
Nabi Musa yang menyaksikan peristiwa ini tidak memahami keadaan ini. Kenapakah orang tua yang buta itu dibunuh sedangkan dia telah menyaksikan karung guni tadi tidak di ambil olehnya tetapi budak kecil tadi.
Maka.... sebenarnya, (ok aku tak ingat explanation ni exactly but the gist is correct)...apa yang telah terjadi ialah lelaki yang berkuda ini tadi pada suatu ketika telah mengambil bekerja ayah kepada budak kecil tadi ni tetapi gagal membayar gaji sebanyak 1000 dinar. Maka budak kecil ni tadi telah mengambil kembali haknya.
Dan lelaki tua yang buta ni pula pada zaman dia kuat, telah membunuh ayah kepada lelaki berkuda ni tadi, maka haknya telah di bayar....
Maka itulah keadilan Allah yang kita tak nampak dari mata kasar kita sebagai manusia. Jadi, pengajarannya..... apa yang kita dapat mungkin kita tak suka tetapi sebenarnya itulah yang patut kita dapat.
Macam aku ni. How upset I was about NOT getting platinum and how uncomprehendable it was for me to preach on perfecting things tapi aku bukan in platinum club - aku kena accept yang takdir ni bukan my boss yang tentukan tetapi di beri oleh Allah. Tentulah ada sesuatu yang telah aku buat tidak betul, dan maybe juga Allah nak aku lebih belajar dan lebih tawadduk dalam membuat kerja2 harian aku.
I am not the best always and not getting platinum hurts my ego too. I thought I am not snobbish about it but Allah knows better. Maybe Allah nak push aku lebih menjadik terbaik.
Tapi tak di nafikan, aku sangat malu sekarang nak bercakap pasal kerja sebab who am I to talk about perfecting things, I myself is just average performer. Nevertheless, I will work this thing out and push all the negative thoughts.
We all know that Nabi Musa AS adalah nabi yang mempunyai mukjizat dapat berkata2 dengan Allah SWT kan. So ada satu kisah di mana Nabi Musa meminta Allah menunjukkan keadilanNYA. Maka Allah kata, boleh tetapi berjanjilah kamu dapat bersabar bila menyaksikannya.
Maka Nabi Musa pun naik ke atas satu tempat tinggi (or is it bukit) seperti yang di perintahkan untuk menyaksikan keadilan Allah.
Tidak lama kemudian, Nabi Musa nampak ada seorang lelaki menaiki kuda datang ke satu kawasan (yang lebih rendahlah kan... ) membawa satu karung guni. Selepas lelaki ni mengerjakan solat sunat, dia berlalu pergi tetapi tertinggal karung guni ni tadi....
Tidak lama dari itu, datang pula seorang anak kecil yang datang lalu mengambil karung guni yang tertinggal tadi.
Selepas itu pula, datang seorang lelaki tua yang buta datang ke kawasan yang sama. Lelaki tua buta ini mengerjakan solat sunat di kawasan itu dan bila dia telah selesai, lelaki yang berkuda tadi telah sampai ke tempat itu dan bertanya adakah lelaki tua buta ini mengambil karung guni dia yang tertinggal awal tadi. Terjadi sedikit exchange, "adakah kamu yang mengambil 1000 dinar aku?"
"bohong, aku telah tertinggal 1000 dinar aku di sini tetapi telah tiada sekarang..etc etc" lebih kurang lah ya...Rupa2nya karung guni yang dia tertinggal itu mengandungi duit yang bernilai 1000 dinar.
di mana akhirnya lelaki berkuda tadi telah membunuh lelaki tua yang buta tadi ni kerana mensyaki dia lah yang mencuri duit 1000 dinar itu.
Nabi Musa yang menyaksikan peristiwa ini tidak memahami keadaan ini. Kenapakah orang tua yang buta itu dibunuh sedangkan dia telah menyaksikan karung guni tadi tidak di ambil olehnya tetapi budak kecil tadi.
Maka.... sebenarnya, (ok aku tak ingat explanation ni exactly but the gist is correct)...apa yang telah terjadi ialah lelaki yang berkuda ini tadi pada suatu ketika telah mengambil bekerja ayah kepada budak kecil tadi ni tetapi gagal membayar gaji sebanyak 1000 dinar. Maka budak kecil ni tadi telah mengambil kembali haknya.
Dan lelaki tua yang buta ni pula pada zaman dia kuat, telah membunuh ayah kepada lelaki berkuda ni tadi, maka haknya telah di bayar....
Maka itulah keadilan Allah yang kita tak nampak dari mata kasar kita sebagai manusia. Jadi, pengajarannya..... apa yang kita dapat mungkin kita tak suka tetapi sebenarnya itulah yang patut kita dapat.
Macam aku ni. How upset I was about NOT getting platinum and how uncomprehendable it was for me to preach on perfecting things tapi aku bukan in platinum club - aku kena accept yang takdir ni bukan my boss yang tentukan tetapi di beri oleh Allah. Tentulah ada sesuatu yang telah aku buat tidak betul, dan maybe juga Allah nak aku lebih belajar dan lebih tawadduk dalam membuat kerja2 harian aku.
I am not the best always and not getting platinum hurts my ego too. I thought I am not snobbish about it but Allah knows better. Maybe Allah nak push aku lebih menjadik terbaik.
Tapi tak di nafikan, aku sangat malu sekarang nak bercakap pasal kerja sebab who am I to talk about perfecting things, I myself is just average performer. Nevertheless, I will work this thing out and push all the negative thoughts.
The house project: Curtain
Remember about the phases of curtain projects? (please do refer label - curtain)
So phase 1 : RM5578
Phase 2 : RM4122
Phase 1 we are done. I love it. Quality is ok. I have no complaint. We did it with City Curtain, Puchong branch. Now phase 2 will start soon.
Phase 2 is all the curtains in the living and dining room - right now we have bare window! The day curtain/sheer curtain will also be included this time around insyaAllah. And I am just so excited to add string curtains so it could serve as divider between our dining and pantry.
I have 1 more string curtain for the surau so I hope it will look good!
At first I planned to do it with City Curtain however, fate took it turns. We forgotten to take our bag from the Perpustakaan Negara's cafe, so we have to turn back - all the wayyyyy to KL and by the time we reach back to MEX highway, it was already late.
So I made an executive decision that we should just try shops at Nilai. Not Nilai 3 but Nilai. Bandar Nilai? whatever lah. It is opposite the dataran Nilai.
I have been to Indah Curtain before, this time, I trust my instinct, and try this shop. Why? Because they hang many many display with eyelet design so it is easy for me to imagine what it will look like.
Since my ceiling is so high. or rather I choose to hang curtain up to the ceiling (we do not have to but it will create a nice high impact) I have little choice to choose from. I need kain yang bidang 60 bukan 110 bukan 120. whatever that means. malas nak paham.
Kenapa? oh ada yang dah tau. Kalau nak boleh jer tapi I tak berapa suka nampak sambung walau pun dia try to convince me sambung tak nampak sangat, sambung design lain etc etc.
So we will see. The best part, they could complete it by next wednesday. so soon that it makes me nervous.
I am depending on what they say about their reputation "kak itu rumah bungalow pun kita pasang tak pernah complain you tak payah risau".. yeah right.
I told them "sometimes you boleh buat banyak curtain, tapi it will depend on nasib juga. mesti ada satu yang bad. I do not want to be in your bad statistic"....tapi bukan ker kita kena positive. Positive vibe will attract positive consequences. dalam islam, always bersangka baik dengan Allah. Allah akan beri yang baik2 saja pada kita.
Aku rasa bukan aku tak percaya or being negative, I am just being careful. Infact, I do not want them to be over confident so I pre-empt them not to so they will inject "carefullness" in my project.
The damage? 5,725. It is 1,603 more than City Curtain's quotation.
But to be fair, I added sheer curtain for my master room and some other extras like roman blind curtain in my walk in wardrobe. It is not apple to apple comparison.
So I asked them to round it up to 5,500. And it's done deal.
Giler mahal curtain kan. Lepas ni boleh belajar jahit curtain so lepas retirement boleh jadik ceo curtain ajerrrrlaaaaahhhh....
My concept? I am into monochrome or one tone color right now so if you are looking into something fancy or flowery- you will not find it here.
I am thinking about putting up colorful accessories later that could brighten up the room.
Here are some of the inspirations.
It will be dull like this. I am not sure why I'm loving it, but I love it.
I was actually trying to imitate this concept in my bedroom but because right now there is no furniture, it just did not happen as I hope.
Maybe my living room will look like this. We shall see.
I put this picture because I am planning to put another layer as colorful as this one to the white wooden blind in the babies room. Aghh, so excited!
Another investment that already confirm is the windows "tinting" - 2k.
And the rest of the furniture - 13k.
Just pray I will not burst any budget! You would say women always burst their budget kan...? haha!
So phase 1 : RM5578
Phase 2 : RM4122
Phase 1 we are done. I love it. Quality is ok. I have no complaint. We did it with City Curtain, Puchong branch. Now phase 2 will start soon.
Phase 2 is all the curtains in the living and dining room - right now we have bare window! The day curtain/sheer curtain will also be included this time around insyaAllah. And I am just so excited to add string curtains so it could serve as divider between our dining and pantry.
I have 1 more string curtain for the surau so I hope it will look good!
At first I planned to do it with City Curtain however, fate took it turns. We forgotten to take our bag from the Perpustakaan Negara's cafe, so we have to turn back - all the wayyyyy to KL and by the time we reach back to MEX highway, it was already late.
So I made an executive decision that we should just try shops at Nilai. Not Nilai 3 but Nilai. Bandar Nilai? whatever lah. It is opposite the dataran Nilai.
I have been to Indah Curtain before, this time, I trust my instinct, and try this shop. Why? Because they hang many many display with eyelet design so it is easy for me to imagine what it will look like.
Since my ceiling is so high. or rather I choose to hang curtain up to the ceiling (we do not have to but it will create a nice high impact) I have little choice to choose from. I need kain yang bidang 60 bukan 110 bukan 120. whatever that means. malas nak paham.
Kenapa? oh ada yang dah tau. Kalau nak boleh jer tapi I tak berapa suka nampak sambung walau pun dia try to convince me sambung tak nampak sangat, sambung design lain etc etc.
So we will see. The best part, they could complete it by next wednesday. so soon that it makes me nervous.
I am depending on what they say about their reputation "kak itu rumah bungalow pun kita pasang tak pernah complain you tak payah risau".. yeah right.
I told them "sometimes you boleh buat banyak curtain, tapi it will depend on nasib juga. mesti ada satu yang bad. I do not want to be in your bad statistic"....tapi bukan ker kita kena positive. Positive vibe will attract positive consequences. dalam islam, always bersangka baik dengan Allah. Allah akan beri yang baik2 saja pada kita.
Aku rasa bukan aku tak percaya or being negative, I am just being careful. Infact, I do not want them to be over confident so I pre-empt them not to so they will inject "carefullness" in my project.
The damage? 5,725. It is 1,603 more than City Curtain's quotation.
But to be fair, I added sheer curtain for my master room and some other extras like roman blind curtain in my walk in wardrobe. It is not apple to apple comparison.
So I asked them to round it up to 5,500. And it's done deal.
Giler mahal curtain kan. Lepas ni boleh belajar jahit curtain so lepas retirement boleh jadik ceo curtain ajerrrrlaaaaahhhh....
My concept? I am into monochrome or one tone color right now so if you are looking into something fancy or flowery- you will not find it here.
I am thinking about putting up colorful accessories later that could brighten up the room.
Here are some of the inspirations.
It will be dull like this. I am not sure why I'm loving it, but I love it.
I was actually trying to imitate this concept in my bedroom but because right now there is no furniture, it just did not happen as I hope.
Maybe my living room will look like this. We shall see.
I put this picture because I am planning to put another layer as colorful as this one to the white wooden blind in the babies room. Aghh, so excited!
Another investment that already confirm is the windows "tinting" - 2k.
And the rest of the furniture - 13k.
Just pray I will not burst any budget! You would say women always burst their budget kan...? haha!
Monday, March 25, 2013
"Working with emotional intelligence" review part 1
I am sorry if the blog is getting heavier and heavier in the topics.
I know. Less fun now.
It happened recently. During the time we moved. I did not know I was pregnant.
My emotion is unstable.
In between my medical leave, bila pegi office dengar2 juga bizarre news and assumptions. I was like "what is going on?""What are they actually planning behind my back". If something going to happen, I want to know right? Would you not?
So I was a bit upset during my medical leave. At one point I was thinking my career was just going to be over.
Weeks after that incident, so many other things happening. I choose not to be agressive on certain things,Alhamdulillah like the above story, fate took another turn and I was kind of relief. Peace is back!
Allah knows. banyakkan mengadu pada Allah.
I know. Less fun now.
But I promised you I will quote real life example so we all can learn together. I know nothing about emotional intelligence (EI). Do you?
I am still at page 36 on day 2 (if you want to consider that is readinglah). I did not get the grasp of what is the core discussion nor that I know how to get the fast impact in dealing with EI. This chapter described what is EI and why do we need it basically. In short, you can be a brainer but if you are lack of EI, doesn't guarantee you success in life. Likewise, you can be an average performer in school or college but reasons for your success is how you manage the EI.
It gets interesting after I read page 99 under chapter title "self control".. (note that I starting to peek on short cut tips and interesting story to learn from hehehhehe") basically you can sum it up as this. "when work is hell, find a relaxation technique that works for you. It may sound worst at first but if you calm enough the fate may going to turn around to your side. Lesson learnt - do not panic unnecessarily. :)
That was so good. I will cite an example why I think the above is so true.
It happened recently. During the time we moved. I did not know I was pregnant.
My emotion is unstable.
In between my medical leave, bila pegi office dengar2 juga bizarre news and assumptions. I was like "what is going on?""What are they actually planning behind my back". If something going to happen, I want to know right? Would you not?
Paling tak syok ialah bila ada sekumpulan orang trying to recommend something without informing you. That was terrible kan. How can I accept? especially when you know there is integrity issue involved. I am so against it.
So I was a bit upset during my medical leave. At one point I was thinking my career was just going to be over.
Weeks after that incident, so many other things happening. I choose not to be agressive on certain things,Alhamdulillah like the above story, fate took another turn and I was kind of relief. Peace is back!
Allah knows. banyakkan mengadu pada Allah.
"Get your sh*t together!* - Suits 2's wisdom
No I do not mean to use bad word here.
However, it is some sort of a pleasant advise from Harvey Specter to Mike on last night episode. The way it was conveyed maybe with a bit of anger and rude I think if I use it in my organization, people will complaint and make heaps of gossips about it. Nevertheless, I love it coz deep down it was an advise from someone that care enough to see you screwing up your life.
Other than Merlin, Suits kept me "awake". These 2 are some sort of TV therapy for me. "Kim and Kourtney take on miami" has been beaten by these. Thank goodness.
I would love if "the higher authority" loves me the way Jessica loves Harvey Specter one day, she saw the potential in him wayyyy back then. Best described - "Jessica likes and trusts Harvey because of his fierce ambition, stubborness, and unswerving loyalty." And I love the Harvey Specter's energy of "loving the winning". It really keeps me going. hehe.
More here.
Some of the best dialogues;
Harvey: You're the guy that nobody wants, but can't get rid of. (that's to some of the management members muahahaha)
Rachel: You need to toughen up, because I am not that little girl anymore.
Jessica: You don't make major life decisions when you are reeling from a loss. (even Harvey gets advise ok! last night episode Harvey get rejection for promotion from Jessica as well. so it is not about being good but also "your emotional intelligence".. that rings a bell.)
Donna: I'm sorry I don't have a photographic memory, but my brain is too busy being awesome.
Mike: You may not be a genius, but you know exactly what you're doing.
source :
Harvey Specter: Jessica, if you hadn't done as much for me as you have, I'd be heading out the door.
Jessica Pearson: If I hadn't done as much for you as I have, I'd be throwing you out the window.
Harvey Specter: I'm inclined to give you a shot, but what if I decide to go another way?
Mike Ross: I'd say that's fair. Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives.
LOVING IT! hehe.
Mike Ross: Oh, and you don't give a damn about the client, right?
Harvey Specter: It's not my job.
Mike Ross: Does your job include giving a damn about me, because the least you could do is offer to stand up to Louis for me.
Harvey Specter: Stand up for you? I put my ass on the line for you. But it turns out you may have had the balls to get this job, but you don't have the courage to stick it out when it gets tough. (so we should just stick up!! dun give up at any point of time)
Harvey : What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head?
Mike: What are you talking about? You do what they say or they shoot you.
Harvey: Wrong. You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one.
I must say whoever write the script he/she just did some awesome job. I hope you could get motivated the same way I did.
Thank you for reading!
However, it is some sort of a pleasant advise from Harvey Specter to Mike on last night episode. The way it was conveyed maybe with a bit of anger and rude I think if I use it in my organization, people will complaint and make heaps of gossips about it. Nevertheless, I love it coz deep down it was an advise from someone that care enough to see you screwing up your life.
Other than Merlin, Suits kept me "awake". These 2 are some sort of TV therapy for me. "Kim and Kourtney take on miami" has been beaten by these. Thank goodness.
I would love if "the higher authority" loves me the way Jessica loves Harvey Specter one day, she saw the potential in him wayyyy back then. Best described - "Jessica likes and trusts Harvey because of his fierce ambition, stubborness, and unswerving loyalty." And I love the Harvey Specter's energy of "loving the winning". It really keeps me going. hehe.
More here.
Some of the best dialogues;
Harvey [to Mike]: The next time I have the option to cross the line to
save you, I'll send you packing and not think twice. Now get your s**t
Other dialogues that might pump you up.
Jessica: If I can't count on you for the effort, how can I count on you for the results? (so true right?)
Harvey: We just went through a civil war. The world knows it---and we're weak. My uncle says the weak get eaten. (oh so true. you think why is it important to look cool and steady?)
Harvey: You're the guy that nobody wants, but can't get rid of. (that's to some of the management members muahahaha)
Rachel: You need to toughen up, because I am not that little girl anymore.
Jessica: You don't make major life decisions when you are reeling from a loss. (even Harvey gets advise ok! last night episode Harvey get rejection for promotion from Jessica as well. so it is not about being good but also "your emotional intelligence".. that rings a bell.)
Donna: I'm sorry I don't have a photographic memory, but my brain is too busy being awesome.
Mike: You may not be a genius, but you know exactly what you're doing.
source :
Harvey Specter: Jessica, if you hadn't done as much for me as you have, I'd be heading out the door.
Jessica Pearson: If I hadn't done as much for you as I have, I'd be throwing you out the window.
Harvey Specter: I'm inclined to give you a shot, but what if I decide to go another way?
Mike Ross: I'd say that's fair. Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives.
LOVING IT! hehe.
Mike Ross: Oh, and you don't give a damn about the client, right?
Harvey Specter: It's not my job.
Mike Ross: Does your job include giving a damn about me, because the least you could do is offer to stand up to Louis for me.
Harvey Specter: Stand up for you? I put my ass on the line for you. But it turns out you may have had the balls to get this job, but you don't have the courage to stick it out when it gets tough. (so we should just stick up!! dun give up at any point of time)
Harvey : What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head?
Mike: What are you talking about? You do what they say or they shoot you.
Harvey: Wrong. You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one.
I must say whoever write the script he/she just did some awesome job. I hope you could get motivated the same way I did.
Thank you for reading!
Pajam after 3 mths
It has been almost 3 months after we move.
We still love our house.
Busuk - no issue for us, its once in a while. Weekend tak sangat , the children can play outside happily. malam we can still open the door
lalat - no issue. it can be mitigated easily.
traffic jam - i work in KL, kalau sg besi tak sibuk macam cuti sekolah ni 30 mins dah sampai. the traffic will get worst if you went out 730am onwards i guess. worst pun tak worst. you will not swear or anythinglah. It is a moving traffic.
Kalau time sibuk I have to follow the jalan jauh, which is able to reach on time too. cuma toll mahal. I have no complaints so does my husband.
kalau nak ke putrajaya or puchong - boleh ikut jalan sepang, dengkil cuma kat sepang jer ada satu simpang yang traffic light dia slow skit. resulted in long queue. tapi no toll kalau ke putrajaya. kalau puchong kenalah.
jalan alternative is plus highway, selama ni is moving traffic - means banyak kereta, tapi moving, never stop and it is only about 1-2km before it clears off. so no problem for me.
Jalan batang benar, after 3mths, I am adjusted well. My husband who kuat komplen (sbb dia sporean - mana ada traffic jam kat sana) never really complaint or whined about this. So I guess no big issue on this.
developer - maybe sebab rumah besar ker atau seri pajam memang bagus, tapi so far services very good. they attend to our complaint very fast. I hope bukan sebab rumah besar but their new motto yang assure the high quality of their houses that motivates them.
So that is all I can say. I am not paid ya :)
It has been almost 3 months after we move.
We still love our house.
Busuk - no issue for us, its once in a while. Weekend tak sangat , the children can play outside happily. malam we can still open the door
lalat - no issue. it can be mitigated easily.
traffic jam - i work in KL, kalau sg besi tak sibuk macam cuti sekolah ni 30 mins dah sampai. the traffic will get worst if you went out 730am onwards i guess. worst pun tak worst. you will not swear or anythinglah. It is a moving traffic.
Kalau time sibuk I have to follow the jalan jauh, which is able to reach on time too. cuma toll mahal. I have no complaints so does my husband.
kalau nak ke putrajaya or puchong - boleh ikut jalan sepang, dengkil cuma kat sepang jer ada satu simpang yang traffic light dia slow skit. resulted in long queue. tapi no toll kalau ke putrajaya. kalau puchong kenalah.
jalan alternative is plus highway, selama ni is moving traffic - means banyak kereta, tapi moving, never stop and it is only about 1-2km before it clears off. so no problem for me.
Jalan batang benar, after 3mths, I am adjusted well. My husband who kuat komplen (sbb dia sporean - mana ada traffic jam kat sana) never really complaint or whined about this. So I guess no big issue on this.
developer - maybe sebab rumah besar ker atau seri pajam memang bagus, tapi so far services very good. they attend to our complaint very fast. I hope bukan sebab rumah besar but their new motto yang assure the high quality of their houses that motivates them.
So that is all I can say. I am not paid ya :)
House Project phase 2a
I received a sealed envelope today on my desk. I was thinking what was that and who is that from.
When I open the envelope, reading the book title saja I dah tahu sapa punya kerja ni. hahahahaha!
It was from "the higher authority" aka my boss. I know I can take it as his sarcasm but positively we might have developed a bond that he care enough to go to a bookshop and bought me this. Right?
I was laughing out loud, tak boleh tahan. He signed and wrote "Good Read".
You may asked me, what made him do this? or rather "what trigger him to be this sarcastic (if you want to put it negatively)"
So...playback last friday I was sitting with him for my PMS. (which does not matter anymore during the time since the payroll has been computed using the new increment and bonus - the chat is just to formalize it).
You can never imagine what he said to me. It took me 2 days to get over it.
For an eg:
"you are a platinum in my book"
"the only reason that prevent you to have high score is your aggressiveness that some of them are uncomfortable" - to that I asked him if I need to change my "style of communication" and he replied "no no no just be yourself, i like it" daa??? and when I said "and you want the character to do this job?" he said "yes" so??? I can never score?? baiklah aku transfer out kan? (pada akal aku yang cetek nila)
"I could not have my office to be platinum" for whatever reasons he mentioned.
"you are only x.x from platinum"
"your increment is way above average etc etc"
"you are the star performer in my office"
"if you really want to insist that I highlight your weaknesses is to manage your expectation" just whatever that means really. I was just not listening to him.
I was still upset regardless of good words he put. I cried when I upset so that was what I didlah while trying to disagree with him.
The next day I was actually on the phone with my ex-boss telling him all these "nonsense" which impacted my score, maybe will impact my promotion. We came to a conclusion - either he is politicizing me to achieve his mission or I have to agree to be penalize in order to achieve the overall mission goal. ABSURD sangat kan????
I for one, AM NOT ready for this kind of crap. (i think i still have an executive mentality haha!) I only want good performance scoring. hehe.
Happen to be, his decision to remove a manager from his dept has resulted in the upsetness of that person. that person is accusing me to be the reason.
I tengah upset kena victimised lepas tu dapat plak accusation yang sangat baseless, so apa lagi, i pun informlah the higher authority tu masa weekend. haha emotional siot.
Sampai mintak i yang di transfer out bukan sorang lagi ni sbb sejujurnya, I tak sanggup being penalised. I nak jugakkkkk good scoring for 2013 kalau dah susah sangat nak score high kat department ni. But he dismissed itlah, he said.."xx, xx, dun b overwhelmed by this, focus on our mission. manage your emotion and expectation :)" itulah yang dia kata....
Bayangkanlah sampai tak boleh tidur upset sangat. bangun pun pukul 4-5am gitu still crying non stop.
By sunday I dah ok.
By monday, I get the book hehehehe... maybe i got my humour back, or my senses back, I can't stop laughing at his gesture.
My colleague said "it is funny not because of anything but the matter that get you depressed... "
(yes, please do not be sorry for me, I want platinum bcoz i need to be in the platinum club for performance wise. How can I lead by example otherwise? And to have nothing mentioned about my flaws how can I improved it, that is so frustrating to me. I have list of flaws but my boss just said "nothing"... if he had said, english, or writing skill or communication skills, most probably I will not be as frustrated. but bonus Alhamdulillah still ada cuma 9k less than last year. Increment is less rm500 from last year, even if I get platinum, it will be less anyway because our overall performance... huhu)
Ok back to house story. Amongst project that get approved for this phase 2a.
1. Whole house tinted -2k
2. The remaining of curtains/window dressings - 4.5k
3. Furnitures - 13k
I do not know exactly after tax deduction and epf how much cash from the bonus would I get so hopefully enough for the above and some other personal projects like the umrah diy kot? huhu....
Apa pun syukur Alhamdulillah...Bak kata ustaz tazkirah IKIM - rezeki dah ditentukan kita ni kena usaha. Tapi usaha tu jangan sampai tak menyempat nak buat ibadah.... malu kan nanti nak mengadap Allah SWT.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Restless and anxious
Seminggu ni ada dengar tak tazkirah di IKIM fm?
IKIM fm frequency berapa? Owh. tak silap 91.5 or 102.5, tak silap lah. either that or 91.7. 91 and 102 tu confirm belakang tu aku tak berapa ingat. (aku main tekan jer huhuhuhu)
Bila? Owh. Selalunya 7:30am dan akan di ulang selepas azan maghrib selalunya 730pm. So kalau tak dapat dengar pagi, malamlah.
Tazkirah semalam pasal perasaan "kehambaan" pada Allah. Ada juga di sentuh pasal akhlak rasulullah. Aku paling suka bila ustaz tu menyingkap cerita2 tauladan umpamanya bila anak abu jahal masuk islam, dia lebih kurang di pandang rendah oleh orang lain. Tapi rasullah menjawab.. ala aku lupa. However, dari sudut lain, akhlak rasullulah pada anak abu jahal ni ada dalam blog ni -
"Rasulullah melarang umat Islam menghina ayahnya sebab menghina orang
yang sudah mati sama saja menyakiti orang yang masih hidup. Begitu juga
melarang umat Islam memangil beliau dengan nama Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal."
Kan? Kalau kita tu nak balas dendam sokmo dengan musuh ya.
Banyak lagi kisah Ikrimah. Boleh try dalam blog ini.
Tazkirah pagi tadi aku paling suka bila part pengemis yang asyik mengadu domba pasal kemiskinan dia. Datang satu alim ni tanya lebih kurang gini:
"Kalau I beli jari2 you dengan 10 dirham, nak tak?
Pengemis tu jawab, "of courselah tak nak, pehal murah sangat"
"Kalau saya beli mata you dengan 20 dirham ok tak?"
"eh murahnya, taknaklah nanti nak tengok ngan apa?"
"apa kata kalau i beli akal fikiran you, dan you jadi gila dengan 20 dirham"
"taknak lah, takkan 20 dirham aja"
Ha gitulah expressionnya. So orang alim tu kata kat pengemis tadi, "kalau you campur2kan semua jumlah tu berbaloi ker dengan kehilangan semua anggota tu?"
"of cozzz tak!"
"ha gitulah, walaupun tuan hamba ni miskin tapi Allah beri kekayaan dengan memberikan nikmat2 tangan, kaki, akal fikiran dan sebagainya, kita kena bersyukur"
Ialah, ada orang kaya tapi buta, ada orang kaya tapi gila. Betul?
Loving the ustaz, very engaging cara dia bercerita. Selalu buat aku berfikir.
It took away my anxiousness and restlessness over office matters. Sometimes I told myself, I really do have choice.
tak nak stress, buat jelah tak tahu. Take it as face value, jangan beriya2 benau nak betulkan keadaan tu.
Tak pun resign. habis cerita. dapat gaji baru.
Stress sebab I really have expectation over something and I make it a goal for me to achieve it. I do not take failure as an answer so I went all out to get it fixed. Ni bukan macam nak betulkan machine. Kalau machine ko boleh beli spare parts. ni betulkan attitude orang. susah tu wey!
Tapi bila konyer performance tak berapa, suam2 kuku jer ko disappointed kan? Ko rasa cam, eh camner plak ko sampai tak leh tidur memikirkan menda ni peh tu u were seen as just average performer? haruslah disappointed.
tapi bak kata tazkirah tu, lebih kurang bermaksud "sometimes you might want to get a slap to drag you back to jalan yang lebih diredhai Allah..."
I hope you are also learning from my life journey. It is painful but I have to go through it.
Merlin wisdom
Merlin saved the kingdom in last night episode however, he wouldn't be knighted nor rewarded.
Maksudnya, ko save la organization ko tu tapi dun expect them to reward you. Yang penting Allah tahu....
Sir Lancelot - "You should be the one that be knighted Merlin"
"You're the bravest one of all but Arthur didn't know".... sebak aku dengar dialogue tu. Merlin was ok. Totally ok with it.
Merlin - "Not now, not just yet"...which means he wont tell Arthur he has magic , and his magic saves Arthur a lot. A number of times.. Arthur thinks either him, his knight or luck that saves him.
Painful kan?
Nasib baik, Arthur tu berhati mulia, memanglah worth it to help him.
I love that it is now out in the open between Arthur and Guinevere. My colleague lelaki kata potonglah sebab si Guin ni tak lawa.. haha! ada aku kisah? Aku semestinya tengok Arthur. Aku suka actually handsome prince ni suka plain girl muehehehehe.....It shows he has good heart and sees through her. Bukan sombong bodoh dan pilih lawa2 jer kan.... So sapa tengok ngan mata maka tak nampaklah why Angel is casted to be Guin. Dia kena tengok dengan akal fikiran muehehehehee...
Well. Maybe Merlin ni tak ambitious. Dia tahu he wont be the knight. He knows juga dia tak mungkin diangkat jadik pembesar2 istana. Dapat kerja istana pun dah cukup bagus bagi dia. Zaman dulu kan...
Berbeza dengan aku, aku ni servant yang ambitious. Sangat ambitious. A go getter. I want to be rewarded after hard day work. Itu aku tak boleh lah nak samakan dengan Merlin. He is very low profile but prominent figure. Very important person in Arthur's life. Aku ni plak, significant but not very important. haha!
But still painful. Finally semua orang dah dapat surat increment and bonus. Except direct report to CEO. I am dying to know. But I have prepared myself, I may not be getting what I expected. :(
Maksudnya, ko save la organization ko tu tapi dun expect them to reward you. Yang penting Allah tahu....
Sir Lancelot - "You should be the one that be knighted Merlin"
"You're the bravest one of all but Arthur didn't know".... sebak aku dengar dialogue tu. Merlin was ok. Totally ok with it.
Merlin - "Not now, not just yet"...which means he wont tell Arthur he has magic , and his magic saves Arthur a lot. A number of times.. Arthur thinks either him, his knight or luck that saves him.
Painful kan?
Nasib baik, Arthur tu berhati mulia, memanglah worth it to help him.
I love that it is now out in the open between Arthur and Guinevere. My colleague lelaki kata potonglah sebab si Guin ni tak lawa.. haha! ada aku kisah? Aku semestinya tengok Arthur. Aku suka actually handsome prince ni suka plain girl muehehehehe.....It shows he has good heart and sees through her. Bukan sombong bodoh dan pilih lawa2 jer kan.... So sapa tengok ngan mata maka tak nampaklah why Angel is casted to be Guin. Dia kena tengok dengan akal fikiran muehehehehee...
Well. Maybe Merlin ni tak ambitious. Dia tahu he wont be the knight. He knows juga dia tak mungkin diangkat jadik pembesar2 istana. Dapat kerja istana pun dah cukup bagus bagi dia. Zaman dulu kan...
Berbeza dengan aku, aku ni servant yang ambitious. Sangat ambitious. A go getter. I want to be rewarded after hard day work. Itu aku tak boleh lah nak samakan dengan Merlin. He is very low profile but prominent figure. Very important person in Arthur's life. Aku ni plak, significant but not very important. haha!
But still painful. Finally semua orang dah dapat surat increment and bonus. Except direct report to CEO. I am dying to know. But I have prepared myself, I may not be getting what I expected. :(
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
How do I fix this?
Case 1.
If you have an authority to be the liasion person and there is this group who likes to skip you, what would you do?
They bravely (or cunningly) explain to the higher authority with many excuses. I kind of understand, as the higher authority, it is too petty to catch them and sit them down with me. So as long as it would not become a problem, he could accept their excuses.
They are one of the group that need to be watched closely so their "doing" will not disrupt the operations and destroy the 2.0 vision.
My comment :
It needs a special soft skill to deal with the stubborn ones and I think "their egos" are the thing that stop them from being a good follower. They think what they do is difficult and can only be handled by their group only :)
How do u tell the higher authority this?
Case 2.
You received an information about this deputy manager from her own staff. That she is not doing the mentoring, highlighting that all the mistakes came from below her, highlighting the weaknesses of her staff to the big boss but yet she is not performing the managerial tasks. She failed to deliver the managerial duty by agreeing into something just to please her boss but not practical. She should advise the boss accordingly even though it is painful. She needs to provide guidance to the staff including reviewing their work ie spell checks, reports accurate etc. The staff under her currently very demoralized. She is acting like lebih kurang macam Lady Morgana - senyum bila ada orang fail. she just enjoy watching it.... *evil kan* why do you want to do that to your own staff? They are there to support you to success.
Well, She or he is trying to work her or his way up and citing that she or he was given additional tasks plus her or his long services with the company as justifications of promotions.
What would you do?
My comment:
I would certainly pengsan if her or his boss agreed to nominate her. what will be my excuse to highlight about this problem to her or his boss? or even to my boss - the higher authority.
I might sound like makcik kepoh. Or backstabber. Either I tell and caution them or leave it be to Allah, and if she is promoted, launch a program for her improvement as manager. The staff said, boleh ker? Ego dia camner? hehehe ego tak boleh di tegur ya? Haha... entahlah!
The 2.0 vision if we have people with this attitude, habislah no.
Case no 3.
Arghh, case ni berat sket. I sambung nanti ya.
What do you think? How best to fix this?
If you have an authority to be the liasion person and there is this group who likes to skip you, what would you do?
They bravely (or cunningly) explain to the higher authority with many excuses. I kind of understand, as the higher authority, it is too petty to catch them and sit them down with me. So as long as it would not become a problem, he could accept their excuses.
They are one of the group that need to be watched closely so their "doing" will not disrupt the operations and destroy the 2.0 vision.
My comment :
It needs a special soft skill to deal with the stubborn ones and I think "their egos" are the thing that stop them from being a good follower. They think what they do is difficult and can only be handled by their group only :)
How do u tell the higher authority this?
Case 2.
You received an information about this deputy manager from her own staff. That she is not doing the mentoring, highlighting that all the mistakes came from below her, highlighting the weaknesses of her staff to the big boss but yet she is not performing the managerial tasks. She failed to deliver the managerial duty by agreeing into something just to please her boss but not practical. She should advise the boss accordingly even though it is painful. She needs to provide guidance to the staff including reviewing their work ie spell checks, reports accurate etc. The staff under her currently very demoralized. She is acting like lebih kurang macam Lady Morgana - senyum bila ada orang fail. she just enjoy watching it.... *evil kan* why do you want to do that to your own staff? They are there to support you to success.
Well, She or he is trying to work her or his way up and citing that she or he was given additional tasks plus her or his long services with the company as justifications of promotions.
What would you do?
My comment:
I would certainly pengsan if her or his boss agreed to nominate her. what will be my excuse to highlight about this problem to her or his boss? or even to my boss - the higher authority.
I might sound like makcik kepoh. Or backstabber. Either I tell and caution them or leave it be to Allah, and if she is promoted, launch a program for her improvement as manager. The staff said, boleh ker? Ego dia camner? hehehe ego tak boleh di tegur ya? Haha... entahlah!
The 2.0 vision if we have people with this attitude, habislah no.
Case no 3.
Arghh, case ni berat sket. I sambung nanti ya.
What do you think? How best to fix this?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
House : The House Developer
2 days ago, katanya ada angin kuat..
Aku tak dengar pun, rumah ni hujan pun tak dengar. Bagus lah kot sebab macam kalis bunyi jer haha!
Pagi semalam aku nak pergi kerja, I was shocked to see that the cover of our tangki air was at the foot of our house. The tangki air tu sangat bagak so it must be a strong windlah to push the whole cover down. Masalahnya aku pun tak dengar masa dia terhempas.
So that is bad kalau rumah ko tu kalis bunyi. Either that or all of us tidur mati. huhu....
So I called the guy yang selalu in-charged fixing our house (from developer)...
Owh dia kata "ramai kak yang call kita sebab malam tadi angin kuat" hehe....ramai rupanya senasib. Jiran2 aku idak plak. Aku dah terpikir gak, maybe rumah ni jarang baca Quran kot, Allah kasi peringatan sket. huhu...
So he said he will climb the roof and fix it.
By the time aku balik semalam, aku dah ready to be disappointed. Mak ko.. Dia dah pasang balik. Alhamdulillah...
So setakat ni the house developer Seri Pajam never let me down. yet. very fast service. Cuma line tepon jer ni aku masih tensen..... tapi tu salah telekom kan?
Aku tak dengar pun, rumah ni hujan pun tak dengar. Bagus lah kot sebab macam kalis bunyi jer haha!
Pagi semalam aku nak pergi kerja, I was shocked to see that the cover of our tangki air was at the foot of our house. The tangki air tu sangat bagak so it must be a strong windlah to push the whole cover down. Masalahnya aku pun tak dengar masa dia terhempas.
So that is bad kalau rumah ko tu kalis bunyi. Either that or all of us tidur mati. huhu....
So I called the guy yang selalu in-charged fixing our house (from developer)...
Owh dia kata "ramai kak yang call kita sebab malam tadi angin kuat" hehe....ramai rupanya senasib. Jiran2 aku idak plak. Aku dah terpikir gak, maybe rumah ni jarang baca Quran kot, Allah kasi peringatan sket. huhu...
So he said he will climb the roof and fix it.
By the time aku balik semalam, aku dah ready to be disappointed. Mak ko.. Dia dah pasang balik. Alhamdulillah...
So setakat ni the house developer Seri Pajam never let me down. yet. very fast service. Cuma line tepon jer ni aku masih tensen..... tapi tu salah telekom kan?
What is 2.0 really?
Hah. I am still going to talk about boring staff - OFFICE.
sorry :(
sorry :(
But by April I might be talking about Project House again (depending on how big fat bonus I will get).
The higher authority's blog today said:
"You should be
notified of your increment and bonus payout by end of this week."
So the project Phase2a will continue soon for those who are looking for entries on house renovation. Project Phase2b might be delayed but it will be focusing more on touching up etc. So it would be the completion of the basic reno we already have.
Ok back to Office story.
The higher authority's blog also said:
"This year, we will
continue to labour on with our plans and initiatives to bring this Company to
another level of performance excellence. I look forward to another fulfilling
year - let’s set our hearts in realizing TNG 2.0."
On the ground level, I would say there are a lot of things to change in realizing the TNG2.0.
Attitude wise, understanding process and enforcement.
There are some staff or managers I would say with "tolak ansur" attitude that certain disciplinary action is delayed, and it cause repetitive mistakes. Which is not good in the 2.0 environment that we are trying to create. Some people might confuse themselves with "malay sopan santun" that it might be cruel to do that to others. Worst still, it is "backstabbing" to highlight mistakes of others.
They have to get the understanding right. they need to be able to separate personal and business.
Check this website out:
I like the things they discuss here.
The excerpt:
Let’s look at the nuances between the two.
- Audience vs. Community. What’s the difference between an audience and a community? The direction the chairs are facing. A community is much more connected and interactive than is an audience.
- Broadcast vs. Conversation. A broadcast pushes information outward from a centralized communications hub. Conversations, on the other hand, rely on user-generated content. The best conversations are those that are decentralized. They tap into the collective wisdom of all the participants.
- Traditional vs. Social Media. Traditionally, information was broadcast from a central hub to an attentive audience. In a 1.0 world, the major media were newspapers, radio and television. Today, in the new 2.0 world, communities have decentralized conversations among themselves. They share user-generated content on Facebook, in blogs, through Twitter, on YouTube and via an endless variety of social media.
My favorite illustration contrasting the 1.0 and 2.0 worlds is this:

Fireworks come from a centralized source. A fireworks show is designed to dazzle an adoring audience. The role of the audience is to watch and be impressed.
A campfire, on the other hand, represents a warm, inviting place where people gather to tell stories, sing songs, swap jokes, share family photos and talk about various topics of mutual interest. The content of campfire conversations is user-generated.
Fortunately, there is a place for both fireworks and campfires. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Traditional and social media will coexist and actually complement each other.
Those who prosper and succeed in the 2.0 world will be those who understand that it’s all about having conversations within communities. With that in mind, I’d love to have you join me here around the campfire as we have a cup of hot coffee and reminisce about “the good old days” when we once lived in the less-colorful 1.0 world.
Welcome to our new 2.0 reality.
My comments:
We still have the fireworks displays about 20% of the times in our org.
I think I for a start, have to continue to support the higher authority's vision. It is damn hard. Sometimes I do feel like a Merlin. A servant who could not get acknowledgement of the overall success but my contribution may be significant to support the kingdom.
Campfire - to realize this, the upper management has to bring themselves a bit low and put aside their ego as bosses. They need to always communicate with their downlevel probably best 2 or 3 downlevel than them. Once they understand their staff issues, as the head, they might be able to resolve the main issues in their department. Best still improve the current process.
Campfire - to realize this, the upper management has to bring themselves a bit low and put aside their ego as bosses. They need to always communicate with their downlevel probably best 2 or 3 downlevel than them. Once they understand their staff issues, as the head, they might be able to resolve the main issues in their department. Best still improve the current process.
I am still depress once in a while about what has been happening in the org. That I am actually alone to carry out some of the enforcement. God knows the challenge is everyone has their own intrepretation over a message and it made it even difficult if they work for their own agenda.
Arghh...... the stress the stress...
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sorry guys.
I am still going to talk about the office matters.
Not sure why this is my current topic of interest.
Let me articulate it.
If you are a manager, it does not mean you are free from any work.
It does not mean you can transfer out your duties to the people below you and expect them to fly on their own.
That is why we have the word "handover" or for this case............. "mentorship".
The words do exist. And it is to be practiced.
You can let them do all the work for the matter but you need to reviewlah. Tell them what she has done wrong and correct them so it won't be repeated.
Tell them the best way how to solve the problem or how to complete the tasks.
That way, you can avoid having disappointment with your staff. And she or he can learn a bit faster.
I have seen a manager sleeping after giving the tasks to the staff. Woke up only to give comment.
That is your integrity. If you need people to give you respect and idolize you for making the change within the department or organization, certainly that is not things to do.
Thank you.
P/s: I was quite angry that these attitudes exist in my org. Terrible.
I am still going to talk about the office matters.
Not sure why this is my current topic of interest.
Let me articulate it.
If you are a manager, it does not mean you are free from any work.
It does not mean you can transfer out your duties to the people below you and expect them to fly on their own.
That is why we have the word "handover" or for this case............. "mentorship".
The words do exist. And it is to be practiced.
You can let them do all the work for the matter but you need to reviewlah. Tell them what she has done wrong and correct them so it won't be repeated.
Tell them the best way how to solve the problem or how to complete the tasks.
That way, you can avoid having disappointment with your staff. And she or he can learn a bit faster.
I have seen a manager sleeping after giving the tasks to the staff. Woke up only to give comment.
That is your integrity. If you need people to give you respect and idolize you for making the change within the department or organization, certainly that is not things to do.
Thank you.
P/s: I was quite angry that these attitudes exist in my org. Terrible.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Project: From here to COO...
I never think of anything other than how to be in the middle management. I was struggling to get the position not long ago :) Pathetic.
Until one day...
Allah make me see this situation:
An executive in her 50s, single mum with more than 3 kids. Her ex-husband was not a good contributer. I listen to her story and struggle. Nevertheless, she has this "seniority" attitude that wasn't best to have in an organization. The results, she is unwanted. Reason being, too old to nurture. Hard to get her to participate, it needs a snr managers to manage her. So it is quite hard when we have a reorg or reassignment.
So the management decided to give her the MSS. I was sad for her as she is a single mum and she still have 3 kids going to school. And she only has few years to go before her retirement. The MSS settlement cd be used for the mthly bills, I hope could last her for 6 mths at least. However, I do agree that she can't contribute much if we want the org to fly to another level. Sadfully, we associated success in organization with young talent with maximum positive energy level package.
I was thinking, I have 10 years more at least. and if the same thing happens to me, my house loan, and all other loans repayment, how can I handle it? My responsibilities to the children?
So that is my turnaround time. I suddenly up my ambition a bit. I need to try to climb the ladder to be a COO at least. (CEO too stressful) and i set 6 years to achieve that. I shd not stop at middle managementlah kan, I shd continue to try myself to a C-Level. (After retirement maybe I will continue back as a realtor muehehe.) Starting Business - i dun have the gift to be a business personlah. Investor mungkin more of me lah.
If you asked me why? Coz it is common to have "grey haired" COO to still be working at "pensioner age" due to their experience and wisdom. but it would be sad to see you stuck in middle management for years and years sampai pencen tak? pada pendapat saya lah...
Q: I'm a mid-level manager with an engineering degree and an MBA. I'm currently working for a major telecommunications company as a sales account manager. Previously I was an operations and production manager.
My interest is in running the ins-and-outs of a business. Therefore, I'm inclined to take a career path that's indicative of a chief operating officer. Although there's no magic bullet for becoming a COO, what is the background of those who tend to make it to this level?
A: you'll probably need to do a stint in finance to acquaint yourself with how to keep Wall Street happy. After that, you might do another round in operations or get a chance to run a small subsidiary for the company. Plan on spending one to two years in each function, Gienger says, which will give you plenty of time to show what you can do.
Moreover, if you want to be considered COO material, you'll need to make some real contributions wherever you are in the company. Find ways to cut overhead costs during your time in the finance division. Or, while you're in marketing, come up with a brilliant strategy for a new product rollout. "If you're a high-flier, you'll be in the position to get noticed," Gienger says.
Don't expect to leapfrog from middle manager to COO overnight, however. Companies want at least 10 to 15 years of operations experience in a potential COO -- and a "little gray hair" doesn't hurt, Gienger says. Along the way, you may have to make some lateral moves to get the experience you're lacking. "Don't be impatient," says Jane Greenwald, a partner at executive search firm Battalia Winston in Edison, N.J. "The director and vice-president titles will come once you have a range of experience."
LADDER-CLIMBING. Consider Denise Gibson, newly appointed COO at Brightstar Corp., a services company for the wireless telecommunications industry. Back in 1982, she started her career as an administrative temp in Motorola's staffing department. Soon she was hired full-time and quickly climbed the management ladder in Motorola's human resources office. Then she was recruited for a sales position in operations. The job was several notches below her current level, but Gibson saw it as a way to learn about the company's products and services.
It turned out to be the right move. During her 17-year career at Motorola, she held various positions within the company and eventually left as a senior operations executive to join Brightstar.
Just remember that a stellar résumé doesn't guarantee admission to the executive suite. "You may be perceived as a performer, but there are probably a number of people with that same label," Gibson says. "The reality is that the funnel gets narrower as you move up."
To keep yourself in the running, get people on your side who can vouch for your performance and help you spot areas where you need improvement. They can also become your personal headhunters: Gibson landed her job as Brightstar's COO through a former colleague who recommended her for it.
How do I become a Chief Operating Officer
The path to become a chief operating officer (COO) can differ from one industry to another, and may also depend on what type of corporation you want to work for. There is no one way to go about becoming a COO, but you will typically need a business administration degree in addition to extensive work experience. After school, you will need to look for work in an industry that interests you. It is then necessary to stand out by performing your duties well and exhibiting leadership skills so you can rise to a vice president (VP) position within the corporate structure. Many people within a corporation often want to become a chief operating officer, so you will need to do what it takes to show that you have the knowledge and expertise to take responsibility for the daily business operations.
In a typical corporate structure, the chief operating officer is the c-level executive responsible for day-to-day business operations of a company. Details and minutia such as production quotas are typically within the scope of a chief operating officer's responsibilities. Vice presidents or other heads of departments often report to the COO, who in turn reports to the chief executive officer (CEO). Since many CEOs are busy with high level, big picture management, the COO often has some latitude in day-to-day business practices.
There is no educational requirement to become a chief operating officer, but many of these executives have business degrees. If your ultimate goal is to become a COO, then you may want to start off by obtaining a four-year degree in business administration. You may then go directly into the corporate world, or seek internships and other opportunities while you study for an MBA. Knowing the right people can also go a long way toward advancing a career in business, and many people who graduate from top universities end up in COO and CEO positions.
It is possible to climb the corporate ladder from virtually any position to eventually become a chief operating officer, and there are COOs who began as engineers, manager trainees and even sales representatives. Regardless of what your starting position is, you should attempt to move up through the ranks and into the management sector of your particular department. You may also have to change employers somewhere along the line to become a chief operating officer, since the competition is typically very heavy and some companies have better opportunities than others.
Next for the project : how can I afford an MBA with the big house commitment heh :)
Until one day...
Allah make me see this situation:
An executive in her 50s, single mum with more than 3 kids. Her ex-husband was not a good contributer. I listen to her story and struggle. Nevertheless, she has this "seniority" attitude that wasn't best to have in an organization. The results, she is unwanted. Reason being, too old to nurture. Hard to get her to participate, it needs a snr managers to manage her. So it is quite hard when we have a reorg or reassignment.
So the management decided to give her the MSS. I was sad for her as she is a single mum and she still have 3 kids going to school. And she only has few years to go before her retirement. The MSS settlement cd be used for the mthly bills, I hope could last her for 6 mths at least. However, I do agree that she can't contribute much if we want the org to fly to another level. Sadfully, we associated success in organization with young talent with maximum positive energy level package.
I was thinking, I have 10 years more at least. and if the same thing happens to me, my house loan, and all other loans repayment, how can I handle it? My responsibilities to the children?
So that is my turnaround time. I suddenly up my ambition a bit. I need to try to climb the ladder to be a COO at least. (CEO too stressful) and i set 6 years to achieve that. I shd not stop at middle managementlah kan, I shd continue to try myself to a C-Level. (After retirement maybe I will continue back as a realtor muehehe.) Starting Business - i dun have the gift to be a business personlah. Investor mungkin more of me lah.
If you asked me why? Coz it is common to have "grey haired" COO to still be working at "pensioner age" due to their experience and wisdom. but it would be sad to see you stuck in middle management for years and years sampai pencen tak? pada pendapat saya lah...
Q: I'm a mid-level manager with an engineering degree and an MBA. I'm currently working for a major telecommunications company as a sales account manager. Previously I was an operations and production manager.
My interest is in running the ins-and-outs of a business. Therefore, I'm inclined to take a career path that's indicative of a chief operating officer. Although there's no magic bullet for becoming a COO, what is the background of those who tend to make it to this level?
A: you'll probably need to do a stint in finance to acquaint yourself with how to keep Wall Street happy. After that, you might do another round in operations or get a chance to run a small subsidiary for the company. Plan on spending one to two years in each function, Gienger says, which will give you plenty of time to show what you can do.
Moreover, if you want to be considered COO material, you'll need to make some real contributions wherever you are in the company. Find ways to cut overhead costs during your time in the finance division. Or, while you're in marketing, come up with a brilliant strategy for a new product rollout. "If you're a high-flier, you'll be in the position to get noticed," Gienger says.
Don't expect to leapfrog from middle manager to COO overnight, however. Companies want at least 10 to 15 years of operations experience in a potential COO -- and a "little gray hair" doesn't hurt, Gienger says. Along the way, you may have to make some lateral moves to get the experience you're lacking. "Don't be impatient," says Jane Greenwald, a partner at executive search firm Battalia Winston in Edison, N.J. "The director and vice-president titles will come once you have a range of experience."
LADDER-CLIMBING. Consider Denise Gibson, newly appointed COO at Brightstar Corp., a services company for the wireless telecommunications industry. Back in 1982, she started her career as an administrative temp in Motorola's staffing department. Soon she was hired full-time and quickly climbed the management ladder in Motorola's human resources office. Then she was recruited for a sales position in operations. The job was several notches below her current level, but Gibson saw it as a way to learn about the company's products and services.
It turned out to be the right move. During her 17-year career at Motorola, she held various positions within the company and eventually left as a senior operations executive to join Brightstar.
Just remember that a stellar résumé doesn't guarantee admission to the executive suite. "You may be perceived as a performer, but there are probably a number of people with that same label," Gibson says. "The reality is that the funnel gets narrower as you move up."
To keep yourself in the running, get people on your side who can vouch for your performance and help you spot areas where you need improvement. They can also become your personal headhunters: Gibson landed her job as Brightstar's COO through a former colleague who recommended her for it.
How do I become a Chief Operating Officer
The path to become a chief operating officer (COO) can differ from one industry to another, and may also depend on what type of corporation you want to work for. There is no one way to go about becoming a COO, but you will typically need a business administration degree in addition to extensive work experience. After school, you will need to look for work in an industry that interests you. It is then necessary to stand out by performing your duties well and exhibiting leadership skills so you can rise to a vice president (VP) position within the corporate structure. Many people within a corporation often want to become a chief operating officer, so you will need to do what it takes to show that you have the knowledge and expertise to take responsibility for the daily business operations.
In a typical corporate structure, the chief operating officer is the c-level executive responsible for day-to-day business operations of a company. Details and minutia such as production quotas are typically within the scope of a chief operating officer's responsibilities. Vice presidents or other heads of departments often report to the COO, who in turn reports to the chief executive officer (CEO). Since many CEOs are busy with high level, big picture management, the COO often has some latitude in day-to-day business practices.
There is no educational requirement to become a chief operating officer, but many of these executives have business degrees. If your ultimate goal is to become a COO, then you may want to start off by obtaining a four-year degree in business administration. You may then go directly into the corporate world, or seek internships and other opportunities while you study for an MBA. Knowing the right people can also go a long way toward advancing a career in business, and many people who graduate from top universities end up in COO and CEO positions.
It is possible to climb the corporate ladder from virtually any position to eventually become a chief operating officer, and there are COOs who began as engineers, manager trainees and even sales representatives. Regardless of what your starting position is, you should attempt to move up through the ranks and into the management sector of your particular department. You may also have to change employers somewhere along the line to become a chief operating officer, since the competition is typically very heavy and some companies have better opportunities than others.
Next for the project : how can I afford an MBA with the big house commitment heh :)
The office talk, Merlin and PR application
Lately I have been writing about work and office.
I wonder why. Maybe I do not have anyone else in the office that can offer me wisdom so I resolved in writing about it in the blog.
Anyone of you watched Merlin?
We are still at season 3, I heard that it is at season 5 somewhere else.
My colleagues asked me why I watched a magic, witch, warlock show?
I told them, aahh do not watch Merlin because of all that. I watched Merlin to learn. To learn from the story on how he resolve his problems and ultimately save the kingdom. (note kingdom aka my organization :P)
His magic is a gift and extra bonus, surely we can replace that with "Doa and berharap pada Allah.."
The wisdom ie. He knows about Lady Morgana but he just could not tell Arthur about it. why? Think deep.
He solved problems discreetly and didn't take any credit (mostly). So that was what I like about Merlin. Some sort of therapy for me.
There is this 1 manager who is capable technically and was given such an important tasks in the company, however, he is bad in discipline and tardiness. He was also do things selectively to earn credit which means, he will only do things for the "higher authority" so when feedback came back that certain things are delayed, the higher authority said he wasn't like that with me. So how do you tell the management this? He is very cunning in a waylah....Like he will tell he is on medical leave, but he has never submitted any medical certificate. So basically missing in action. The higher authority of course only check the recorded ones, unless of course someone tell him about his missing in action. But who dares?
I do not dare because it is complicated. I do not want to be seen as "backstabbing" a colleague. Sometimes, I found it petty to tell the higher authority on this. Oh hr? My ex boss did not reported it because of theclose relationship between this guy and HR. Heh but anyway, that is his badlah. you need to report it nevertheless. So this delicate matters which is very destructive to him need to be handled with care. Strategically and as delicate as possible as the impact is great to the organization if he continues with this attitude.
So sad kan? We have lack of talent, and when we have 1, we are faced with another challenge. Hmm..
My PR application.
I did go to Singapore after my last entry. Bertolak pukul 930am and reached there around 1pm. It was just nice for our appointment that we set the day before.
Surprisingly, the only penalty is the reinstatement fee which is sgd50. I applied using my professional/job previously and now that I do not work there, I have to use "marriage cert" to a Singaporean to renew it. We were late about 5 days before the expiry dates.
Within 30 mins it is all done. Wow! Such an excellent service.
Then we went to CPF, since both of us not working in Singapore anymore, no contribution coming to our fund. Therefore, we could not use it to pay the mthly installment for our singapore house.
We got to know that we have certain limits to use our cpf fund as well (baru tau!!) since we bought the house in the open market. So like it or not, we have to use cash to pay at one point of time. We decided that since our financial a bit not stable and we need cash (rumah baru masuk banyak pakai cash) we will use cpf balance to pay for the next 12 mths.
Then we will continue with cash...
I wonder why. Maybe I do not have anyone else in the office that can offer me wisdom so I resolved in writing about it in the blog.
Anyone of you watched Merlin?
We are still at season 3, I heard that it is at season 5 somewhere else.
My colleagues asked me why I watched a magic, witch, warlock show?
I told them, aahh do not watch Merlin because of all that. I watched Merlin to learn. To learn from the story on how he resolve his problems and ultimately save the kingdom. (note kingdom aka my organization :P)
His magic is a gift and extra bonus, surely we can replace that with "Doa and berharap pada Allah.."
The wisdom ie. He knows about Lady Morgana but he just could not tell Arthur about it. why? Think deep.
He solved problems discreetly and didn't take any credit (mostly). So that was what I like about Merlin. Some sort of therapy for me.
There is this 1 manager who is capable technically and was given such an important tasks in the company, however, he is bad in discipline and tardiness. He was also do things selectively to earn credit which means, he will only do things for the "higher authority" so when feedback came back that certain things are delayed, the higher authority said he wasn't like that with me. So how do you tell the management this? He is very cunning in a waylah....Like he will tell he is on medical leave, but he has never submitted any medical certificate. So basically missing in action. The higher authority of course only check the recorded ones, unless of course someone tell him about his missing in action. But who dares?
I do not dare because it is complicated. I do not want to be seen as "backstabbing" a colleague. Sometimes, I found it petty to tell the higher authority on this. Oh hr? My ex boss did not reported it because of theclose relationship between this guy and HR. Heh but anyway, that is his badlah. you need to report it nevertheless. So this delicate matters which is very destructive to him need to be handled with care. Strategically and as delicate as possible as the impact is great to the organization if he continues with this attitude.
So sad kan? We have lack of talent, and when we have 1, we are faced with another challenge. Hmm..
My PR application.
I did go to Singapore after my last entry. Bertolak pukul 930am and reached there around 1pm. It was just nice for our appointment that we set the day before.
Surprisingly, the only penalty is the reinstatement fee which is sgd50. I applied using my professional/job previously and now that I do not work there, I have to use "marriage cert" to a Singaporean to renew it. We were late about 5 days before the expiry dates.
Within 30 mins it is all done. Wow! Such an excellent service.
Then we went to CPF, since both of us not working in Singapore anymore, no contribution coming to our fund. Therefore, we could not use it to pay the mthly installment for our singapore house.
We got to know that we have certain limits to use our cpf fund as well (baru tau!!) since we bought the house in the open market. So like it or not, we have to use cash to pay at one point of time. We decided that since our financial a bit not stable and we need cash (rumah baru masuk banyak pakai cash) we will use cpf balance to pay for the next 12 mths.
Then we will continue with cash...
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Nerve wrecking
My PR has expired.
Now very nerve wrecking to appeal.
I am supposed to be in Singapore but due to some personal reason could not go....
Will update.
Now very nerve wrecking to appeal.
I am supposed to be in Singapore but due to some personal reason could not go....
Will update.
Improving communication
It is hard sometimes to talk to lower rank of staff. Their interest and scope is different.
Sometimes you tend to not explain to them on the real picture as they could not understand the perspective anyway. Walaupun you cuba explain pada mereka positively. ie. kenapa certain tasks is being taken away, atau pun, kenapa dia tak boleh buat sesuatu di luar scope kerja... contohlah.
Sometimes, you rasa, arguing will be a waste of time since you will not have a good outcome. They will not accept your arguement and rectify it.
It is so sad to see them. slipping away from the real issue.
I think my CEO maybe have that problem with me, who knows.
One of assistant manager told me, "you never argue with me..." or sometimes she will say " dengan aku ko tak berani"..
My reply was just either smile (tak terkata) or "gaduh ngan ko buat apa" eheh... tapi reply paling i suka ialah.. "erm.. macam dengan si manager tu, kalau dia tak accept, buat apa nak waste time argue, i just bring up to her boss jer lah.." I hope she gets the message lah. (erm, that made me think, ko ingat argue tu nak tunjuk sapa kuat eh? hehehehe)
At least I argue dengan heads or ceo, I get the outcome or decision. argue dengan orang yang argue balik for the sake of arguing or because tak nak buat kerja wat per lah kan...elok aku cakap jer teruss ngan boss dia, terus kasi dia buat kerja tu, settle masalah aku.
Sometimes you tend to not explain to them on the real picture as they could not understand the perspective anyway. Walaupun you cuba explain pada mereka positively. ie. kenapa certain tasks is being taken away, atau pun, kenapa dia tak boleh buat sesuatu di luar scope kerja... contohlah.
Sometimes, you rasa, arguing will be a waste of time since you will not have a good outcome. They will not accept your arguement and rectify it.
It is so sad to see them. slipping away from the real issue.
I think my CEO maybe have that problem with me, who knows.
One of assistant manager told me, "you never argue with me..." or sometimes she will say " dengan aku ko tak berani"..
My reply was just either smile (tak terkata) or "gaduh ngan ko buat apa" eheh... tapi reply paling i suka ialah.. "erm.. macam dengan si manager tu, kalau dia tak accept, buat apa nak waste time argue, i just bring up to her boss jer lah.." I hope she gets the message lah. (erm, that made me think, ko ingat argue tu nak tunjuk sapa kuat eh? hehehehe)
At least I argue dengan heads or ceo, I get the outcome or decision. argue dengan orang yang argue balik for the sake of arguing or because tak nak buat kerja wat per lah kan...elok aku cakap jer teruss ngan boss dia, terus kasi dia buat kerja tu, settle masalah aku.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Debaran March and Oz: The Great and The Powerful
I think I will write about something happy first kay?
My hubby went back to Singapore for his business thing during weekend.
I pun entah kenapa sabtu macam tak boleh bangun. I was telling myself, biarlah. Maybe elok juga badan ni rehat, kalau stress sangat tak elok for my brain and my health.
So nothing much on saturday. Not even laundry bolehhh?
Then Sunday datanglah kekuatan nak keluar rumah. I wasn't sure about watching movie. But I know we have to do some shopping for my daughter "list to do" for her camping this coming saturday.
She was sooooo excited for the camping event that I have to play along with her. Kasi dia support sket.
Off to Alamanda we went. Long time gal frens ajak jumpa kat SPA kat Bangi pun terpaksa I tolak... Mana aku nak campak baggage2 ni smua kalau tak. Tak syiok la borak and have a spa kalau ada budak merengek2 nak berak dan nak susu kannnnn... hahahaha!
Lepas dah habis checklist things to do/to buy, hmm ada cukup masa nak buat aktiviti lain seperti tengok wayang.
Actually I want to watch "lawak ke der" just to laugh out loud hilangkan stress.
tapi sebab bawak budak2 ribena, aku kena ketepikan keinginan adult aku tu.
Apa lagi nak tengok. Iron man kata 3 Mac, tapi tak dek pun! So terpaksalah pilih either Jack the beanstalk ker apa tah, dengan Oz.
I wasn't in the mood for some gergasi moments. I thought OZ will be a happy movie. (haha tak baca review sebelum pergi main terjah jer)
My dd whom is so into malay movie ajak tengok "cinta kita". erk.. please ibu wouldn't want to waste my money for some malay movie lah ok. astro movie ker vcd ker boleh di timbangkan but why do you need to watch it in big screen. no effects to be appreciated on. But that of course just me. Lawak ke der is an exception hehehehehe....
I pun ingat Oz ni akan buat I menyesal. but luckily, it was GOOD! not excellent macam lepas tengok the matrix. Tapi you and your kids will enjoy it.
DD remembered all their names except Oscar's full name. So in a way, I am having english tuition with them in there. DS was laughing at the jokes. I was impressed. So different from the time I ajak mereka tengok ice age movie.
I get the chance to tell them what is "twister" too = angin puting beliung.
So Alhamdulillah it was not a bad decision after all. Can't wait to have a 3D systems at home so we can do movie time at home instead of going to the cinema.
So what's up with March?
Can't wait for the decision from CEO on my performance. I really want to know how he evaluated me. That will give me some measures on how am I and if he thinks I have potential.
Can't wait also for the new team members in the office. That will also give me some hints on what to do next.
Can't wait for the bonuses as well lah.
My hubby went back to Singapore for his business thing during weekend.
I pun entah kenapa sabtu macam tak boleh bangun. I was telling myself, biarlah. Maybe elok juga badan ni rehat, kalau stress sangat tak elok for my brain and my health.
So nothing much on saturday. Not even laundry bolehhh?
Then Sunday datanglah kekuatan nak keluar rumah. I wasn't sure about watching movie. But I know we have to do some shopping for my daughter "list to do" for her camping this coming saturday.
She was sooooo excited for the camping event that I have to play along with her. Kasi dia support sket.
Off to Alamanda we went. Long time gal frens ajak jumpa kat SPA kat Bangi pun terpaksa I tolak... Mana aku nak campak baggage2 ni smua kalau tak. Tak syiok la borak and have a spa kalau ada budak merengek2 nak berak dan nak susu kannnnn... hahahaha!
Lepas dah habis checklist things to do/to buy, hmm ada cukup masa nak buat aktiviti lain seperti tengok wayang.
Actually I want to watch "lawak ke der" just to laugh out loud hilangkan stress.
tapi sebab bawak budak2 ribena, aku kena ketepikan keinginan adult aku tu.
Apa lagi nak tengok. Iron man kata 3 Mac, tapi tak dek pun! So terpaksalah pilih either Jack the beanstalk ker apa tah, dengan Oz.
I wasn't in the mood for some gergasi moments. I thought OZ will be a happy movie. (haha tak baca review sebelum pergi main terjah jer)
My dd whom is so into malay movie ajak tengok "cinta kita". erk.. please ibu wouldn't want to waste my money for some malay movie lah ok. astro movie ker vcd ker boleh di timbangkan but why do you need to watch it in big screen. no effects to be appreciated on. But that of course just me. Lawak ke der is an exception hehehehehe....
I pun ingat Oz ni akan buat I menyesal. but luckily, it was GOOD! not excellent macam lepas tengok the matrix. Tapi you and your kids will enjoy it.
DD remembered all their names except Oscar's full name. So in a way, I am having english tuition with them in there. DS was laughing at the jokes. I was impressed. So different from the time I ajak mereka tengok ice age movie.
I get the chance to tell them what is "twister" too = angin puting beliung.
So Alhamdulillah it was not a bad decision after all. Can't wait to have a 3D systems at home so we can do movie time at home instead of going to the cinema.
So what's up with March?
Can't wait for the decision from CEO on my performance. I really want to know how he evaluated me. That will give me some measures on how am I and if he thinks I have potential.
Can't wait also for the new team members in the office. That will also give me some hints on what to do next.
Can't wait for the bonuses as well lah.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Ya Rabbi.....
Memang kengkadang tu kena banyak beristighfar jelah duk kat office ni to remain the sanity. haha.
When you have to communicate up and down the line, it proves to be a challenge.
Reporting to the ceo, board and audit committee - it is difficult but at the same time, it is an honor to share their wisdom and insight walaupun haruslah kena whack kaw kaw. I needed that sometimes to collect my "wisdom" point and "experience" point so my knowledge will grow.
Communicating to the staff for us a bit difficult. Kalau by function it shd be down to the line, eventhough by position these people might be above you. When we first start out, ramailah sentap.
Macam, hey i ni paduka baginda, how dare you give me instruction...
ataupun, Eh helo, you ni cam merlin jer a servant, i ni first knight, how dare you refuse my order. i suh you close that findings, close je la (walaupun dia belum close) muahahahaha....
ada aku kesah kak? ekekekeke.....
setaun aku tak kesah per ko nak kata. Tapi akhirnya bulan ni baru aku sentap kemain kan. tak leh berenti aku nangis even aku challenge ceo. haha. lantak ko la bedah, aku tak leh retract apa aku buat depan ceo tu nak wat camner.
Tapi hari ni aku nak citer lain plak. Yang ni pasal how about the communications with the lower rank subordinates...
I have 2 direct reports which I think ok. kena push boleh jalan. tak push, jalan separuh.
tapi ada 1 ni, yang i share with the other due to back up duties, push ke apa ke, hambekkk blur giler. Malas aku nak tunggu smua aku buatlah utk dia. macam apa tau? boss aku frustrated with me, he go and do himself and then come back to me to ask me sign the report. cam tulah.
disebabkan it is not a direct report, maleh aku nak counsel ker or cakap. tapi character aku yang sound direct dalam joke2 aku tu pun dia tak paham, akak give up. ie. dear depa 2 orang ni aku suh buat kaw kaw, ko punya aku buatkan bagai, ko nak kata ko anak tiri memang nak kena belasah la ko ya.." dia gelak je .. ha kan...
akak tensen la jugak tapi sebab budak2 bawah cam gini masih senang nak di lentur dan boleh di reassign, akak rasa tak yah lah akak nak strict bagai hantar corrective action ke apa. gaji depa pun ciput. position depa ni pun easily replacable.
so cam tulah....
When you have to communicate up and down the line, it proves to be a challenge.
Reporting to the ceo, board and audit committee - it is difficult but at the same time, it is an honor to share their wisdom and insight walaupun haruslah kena whack kaw kaw. I needed that sometimes to collect my "wisdom" point and "experience" point so my knowledge will grow.
Communicating to the staff for us a bit difficult. Kalau by function it shd be down to the line, eventhough by position these people might be above you. When we first start out, ramailah sentap.
Macam, hey i ni paduka baginda, how dare you give me instruction...
ataupun, Eh helo, you ni cam merlin jer a servant, i ni first knight, how dare you refuse my order. i suh you close that findings, close je la (walaupun dia belum close) muahahahaha....
ada aku kesah kak? ekekekeke.....
setaun aku tak kesah per ko nak kata. Tapi akhirnya bulan ni baru aku sentap kemain kan. tak leh berenti aku nangis even aku challenge ceo. haha. lantak ko la bedah, aku tak leh retract apa aku buat depan ceo tu nak wat camner.
Tapi hari ni aku nak citer lain plak. Yang ni pasal how about the communications with the lower rank subordinates...
I have 2 direct reports which I think ok. kena push boleh jalan. tak push, jalan separuh.
tapi ada 1 ni, yang i share with the other due to back up duties, push ke apa ke, hambekkk blur giler. Malas aku nak tunggu smua aku buatlah utk dia. macam apa tau? boss aku frustrated with me, he go and do himself and then come back to me to ask me sign the report. cam tulah.
disebabkan it is not a direct report, maleh aku nak counsel ker or cakap. tapi character aku yang sound direct dalam joke2 aku tu pun dia tak paham, akak give up. ie. dear depa 2 orang ni aku suh buat kaw kaw, ko punya aku buatkan bagai, ko nak kata ko anak tiri memang nak kena belasah la ko ya.." dia gelak je .. ha kan...
akak tensen la jugak tapi sebab budak2 bawah cam gini masih senang nak di lentur dan boleh di reassign, akak rasa tak yah lah akak nak strict bagai hantar corrective action ke apa. gaji depa pun ciput. position depa ni pun easily replacable.
so cam tulah....
Ya Salam...
Di ofis sekarang agak busy dan kelam kabut.
CEO's office is very challenging.
Sometimes you just have to acquire the wit and intelligence to handle them all.
Sometimes you just wept and drained out.
ie. a snr manager yesterday asked me to attend a meeting. when i asked him what is the objective of me attending it? what is it that he wants me to help him achieve? his answer was simply "we need you to whack some people so they can do things fast".
Ok so that is the impression and i hope we do not created "the need" to get some people to do the work. isn't bonus and increment enough to motivate people. sometimes i wonder about the working culture here.
To make the matter worst, we have some issue with our team member. Might have integrity issue with him. so i could not trust this manager to be handed a whole lot of tasks. This needs to be handled delicately and with a lot of wisdom. sometimes, believe it or not, need to do it with a strategy.
what a waste of time and talent.
Di ofis sekarang agak busy dan kelam kabut.
CEO's office is very challenging.
Sometimes you just have to acquire the wit and intelligence to handle them all.
Sometimes you just wept and drained out.
ie. a snr manager yesterday asked me to attend a meeting. when i asked him what is the objective of me attending it? what is it that he wants me to help him achieve? his answer was simply "we need you to whack some people so they can do things fast".
Ok so that is the impression and i hope we do not created "the need" to get some people to do the work. isn't bonus and increment enough to motivate people. sometimes i wonder about the working culture here.
To make the matter worst, we have some issue with our team member. Might have integrity issue with him. so i could not trust this manager to be handed a whole lot of tasks. This needs to be handled delicately and with a lot of wisdom. sometimes, believe it or not, need to do it with a strategy.
what a waste of time and talent.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Luahan rasa
This entry is nothing about projects.
I need to record this down.
I love my job. I am a career woman.
When I said I will put priority to my family, I kept my priority back to my work. So that reflects how I enjoy my work.
But lately, or since I moved to "the higher authority" office, life has changed tremendously.
This year alone I have about 14 days MC. and it is only march.
For the previous 3 days, I have fever with shivers and head spinning, but due to commitment at work, I still come to office.
The 1st day, I was just so scared of "pengsan" and noone discover me. I managed to survive till 8pm and drive back to Pajam safely. Alhamdulillah.
The 2nd day, I just have to come due to commitment with Bank Negara. True, even though "the higher authority" said "if you not around I will be your back up" how can I do that to a ceo? *roll eyes* di situ.
The 3rd day, I intend to take my medical leave. but one of the senior manager asked me to attend his meeting. sebab "i need you to whack some people there".......and that some people are the GMs.
So itulah nasib aku. I don't understand why a department head need to be whacked or to be guided in making the decision.
Dan aku tak paham kenapa aku kena jadik orang tengah kalau department heads tak setuju with each other. Aku akan paham kalau aku ni CEO.
So buat masa sekarang, aku rasa aku kena hadapi masalah ni macam CEO kerana objective aku di suruh buat kerja ni is to assist him kan. to be effective kenalah aku berfikiran macam a CEO.
Maybe aku selalu sakit dan agak depress sebab pressurenya terlalu besar.
Maybe sebab tu juga boss aku resign, one of the managers pun resign. HR head pun resign. semua ni ialah yang menyokong vision2 CEO. semua tak tahan nak hadapi issue2 ni semua.
So aku rasa, now aku tak ada head, aku yang kena galas semua ni, dan tak ada support systems aku lebih rasa down.
Down emotionally tapi work masih steady. tu yang mungkin buat aku sakit. I am pushing myself to over limit I guess.
I need to record this down.
I love my job. I am a career woman.
When I said I will put priority to my family, I kept my priority back to my work. So that reflects how I enjoy my work.
But lately, or since I moved to "the higher authority" office, life has changed tremendously.
This year alone I have about 14 days MC. and it is only march.
For the previous 3 days, I have fever with shivers and head spinning, but due to commitment at work, I still come to office.
The 1st day, I was just so scared of "pengsan" and noone discover me. I managed to survive till 8pm and drive back to Pajam safely. Alhamdulillah.
The 2nd day, I just have to come due to commitment with Bank Negara. True, even though "the higher authority" said "if you not around I will be your back up" how can I do that to a ceo? *roll eyes* di situ.
The 3rd day, I intend to take my medical leave. but one of the senior manager asked me to attend his meeting. sebab "i need you to whack some people there".......and that some people are the GMs.
So itulah nasib aku. I don't understand why a department head need to be whacked or to be guided in making the decision.
Dan aku tak paham kenapa aku kena jadik orang tengah kalau department heads tak setuju with each other. Aku akan paham kalau aku ni CEO.
So buat masa sekarang, aku rasa aku kena hadapi masalah ni macam CEO kerana objective aku di suruh buat kerja ni is to assist him kan. to be effective kenalah aku berfikiran macam a CEO.
Maybe aku selalu sakit dan agak depress sebab pressurenya terlalu besar.
Maybe sebab tu juga boss aku resign, one of the managers pun resign. HR head pun resign. semua ni ialah yang menyokong vision2 CEO. semua tak tahan nak hadapi issue2 ni semua.
So aku rasa, now aku tak ada head, aku yang kena galas semua ni, dan tak ada support systems aku lebih rasa down.
Down emotionally tapi work masih steady. tu yang mungkin buat aku sakit. I am pushing myself to over limit I guess.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Kids Project: I took it for granted...(and a bit of house update)
Sebelum tu.
House Project Update.
House Project Update.
Aku dapati, ramai yang datang sini disebabkan "house projects".. hehe... Aku fahamlah camner hal rumah ni adalah satu hal yang sangat mengujakan. You just want to be right the first time and to have to have more information before you proceed with the project, kan?
If you ask me, I did a couple of mistakes along the way also. Satu lampu putus (the highest ceiling) manampakkan kerja si David electrician yang pakai bantai asal siap.
Inilah sorang cina yang aku rasa kerja tak berapa semenggah. Tapi disebabkan dia telah di recommend oleh electrician developer, aku rasa aku dah buat yang terbaik untuk memilih contractor. Cuma maybe I am unlucky.
So my advise, dun go for cheap quotation, rather assess his past works. In my case, I have limited time so I trusted the recommendations by the electrician developer.
Jiran aku tengah giat renovate rumah. Tapi disebabkan urgency tak sama macam i, dah dekat 2 bulan jugaklah project dia. I nampak lampu dan kipas dah pasang. They are nice and frendly, cuma aku worry, anak2 aku bising dan mengganggu derang... hopefully mereka tak kisah.
Jiran lagi satu dan jiran belakang macam tak ada bibit2 atau tak pulak menonjolkan diri... Cuma rumah bungalow tu developer siap pasang air-condition da. wow. best ya.
My kitchen.
So far so good. Cuma malasnya nak bersihkan. Pacifica hood pulak buat pasal now. patah seribu. so rapuh.
I regret a bit on my decision to use granite top. The quality not so good maybe for mine. Asyik kena lap jer...
Or maybe memang normal gitu, aku jer wish for miracle.
Phase 2 update.
No aggressive plan for phase 2 project to continue. The good news is maybe we might be getting extra cash , dengarnya bonus will be in at the end of the month, so maybe I could continue a bit of the plan with that cash. Selebihnya kalau ada pun I need to put in project : Umrah DIY.
Backyard update.
I am still clueless how best to put up with the backyard. I want a nice backyard but i just need a time to plan it.
I need to do more research and design it properly.
Erm. panjangnya selingan.
What I want to update is actually on kids development.
Yesterday night we were having a quick revision on the subject for today's exam.
And I was shocked to know that DD has little malay vocab!
Ibu, what is curam?
and cerun?
pengetam tu apa plak?
apa tu alah bisa tegal biasa?
apa tu jeruk? mak ai! jeruk pun tak tau???? oh lupa masa aku kat kampung, kan ker activiti orang kampung buat jeruk mempelam.
I answered "jeruk tu asam masin... atau buah yang kita peram lama dengan cuka n garam dan gula"
"asam masin tu apa?"
hehehehehee... just coz your child is from malay speaking environment doesn't mean they will automatically inherit your language.
I came to conclusion. Educating and nurturing is a never ending tasks. So embrace it dutifully.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Kids Project: How to teach your kid mandarin when you are NOT a mandarin literate...
We have hired 2 mandarin tutors previously.
The 1st one is quite good but our schedule was quite pack and with her, we can only do it at night time. So that makes it so susah as DS usually penat and demotivated to do the exercise, or even to learn.
The 2nd one is good also. But DS's result in chinese is worst than before he has the tutor. So I decided that maybe she is lack of something. She might not focus on the right way to tutoring the kid.
For eg, focus on topics, do more practice on soalan tubi and identify his weaknesses (in DS's case is the writing) and focus on strengthening it.
So I decided that we should not continue with her and I think I should do this as I know DS better. Not in terms of "teaching him how to contruct sentences in chinese" but on how to study effectively and how to answer those questions correctly and diligently. Nevertheless, I still think he needs a mandarin tutor to enhance his skill and knowledge.
But for now, I practice with him and even though we made mistakes along the way at least I can see that he picked up faster and he has "initiative" now on "trying". So I am successful in a waylah. Dulu, cuba pun tak mau. Tak ada confidence langsung. And he always thinks he will fail. Dahsyatkan? How I have neglected my kids' progress in education huhu....
Another way that I tried is to let him practice with the exercise book and for any questions that he doesn't know to check the answer and learnt from it. Some mothers took away the answers, but I teach them to read the answer, but ONLY on questions that they are not sure. As you know from my experience as a student, if we tried to answer wrongly, our mind could not remember the correct answers. So to me, I need to ONLY know the right answers.
But depending on circumstances, there are exercises that I need them to try first before they could look into the answers. Hmm.. am I contradicting? No. It is called, MOTHER'S INSTINCT :P.
So, let's wait till they get the results before we assume that my methods works. It works for DS on his last exam kat sekolah lama. But NOT tremendously. So let's see.
The 1st one is quite good but our schedule was quite pack and with her, we can only do it at night time. So that makes it so susah as DS usually penat and demotivated to do the exercise, or even to learn.
The 2nd one is good also. But DS's result in chinese is worst than before he has the tutor. So I decided that maybe she is lack of something. She might not focus on the right way to tutoring the kid.
For eg, focus on topics, do more practice on soalan tubi and identify his weaknesses (in DS's case is the writing) and focus on strengthening it.
So I decided that we should not continue with her and I think I should do this as I know DS better. Not in terms of "teaching him how to contruct sentences in chinese" but on how to study effectively and how to answer those questions correctly and diligently. Nevertheless, I still think he needs a mandarin tutor to enhance his skill and knowledge.
But for now, I practice with him and even though we made mistakes along the way at least I can see that he picked up faster and he has "initiative" now on "trying". So I am successful in a waylah. Dulu, cuba pun tak mau. Tak ada confidence langsung. And he always thinks he will fail. Dahsyatkan? How I have neglected my kids' progress in education huhu....
Another way that I tried is to let him practice with the exercise book and for any questions that he doesn't know to check the answer and learnt from it. Some mothers took away the answers, but I teach them to read the answer, but ONLY on questions that they are not sure. As you know from my experience as a student, if we tried to answer wrongly, our mind could not remember the correct answers. So to me, I need to ONLY know the right answers.
But depending on circumstances, there are exercises that I need them to try first before they could look into the answers. Hmm.. am I contradicting? No. It is called, MOTHER'S INSTINCT :P.
So, let's wait till they get the results before we assume that my methods works. It works for DS on his last exam kat sekolah lama. But NOT tremendously. So let's see.
Kids Project : Exam Week
It is not a project on its own. But it is within "my personal project" and my personal goal for the kids to be able to excel in their educations. My focus is for the kids and their education for this year.
I invested almost RM500 just for books alone. (remember that we put investment on BESTA dictionary for RM1.6k earlier).
So weekend in between servicing car, and other chores I instructed them to do some exercise.
Secretly I am proud of them as they are able to do it "independently" now just occasionally they need me to explain about a chapter ie. Science "what is food chain or they put it "rangkaian makanan"...
(God knows I was so blur also) rupanya it is about consumer and producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer.
ie. rumput ialah producer and primary consumer is deer. Since a lion eats deer, that makes lion the secondary consumer. Hehe....
DS has never got his confidence that he could acquire no. 1 position in class. But sejak pindah sekolah, his level of confidence just increased. He confidently said he could do this. Dulu, kalau tanya dia, dia akan tunjuk muka tak confidence dan muka down. So I am grateful that he is now "knows what he is doing"...
DS juga bercerita that he got "hadiah" from teacher the other day because he is the only one who got all correct in science. Wow! I was so impressed with this change. Alhamdulillah.
DD to me is not a problem dari dulu. She could do this only that she needs me to guide her and teach her the "easy way" to study. She also needs me to teach her "quick way" to understand a questions...
Otherwise, she can do it on her own.
So it has been about 2 months since we move and we have little complaint about "the move". So far everything is good. The kids tak ada problem except for DD yang occasionally kena buli dengan budak lelaki. We have complained to the teacher.
The teacher said if her exam goes well this week, maybe she will be transferred to a better class (now dia kena masuk kelas yang last sebab budak baru).. The teacher has also given good feedback on her performance so oklah. Apparently according to DD and DS (which joint her during sekolah agama) , budak2 lelaki tu suka dia... maybe budak kecik, bila suka budak pempuan dia kena kacau to get attention? hehe funny pun ada geram pun ada.
Siapa yang nak tau perkembangan Bau busuk - occasionally saja ada. Masa raya cina hari tu, our sis in law stayed with us and no bau at all. AT ALL TIMES. percaya tak?
Lately ada plak. So alhamdulillah our guests are comfortable during their stay.
I invested almost RM500 just for books alone. (remember that we put investment on BESTA dictionary for RM1.6k earlier).
So weekend in between servicing car, and other chores I instructed them to do some exercise.
Secretly I am proud of them as they are able to do it "independently" now just occasionally they need me to explain about a chapter ie. Science "what is food chain or they put it "rangkaian makanan"...
(God knows I was so blur also) rupanya it is about consumer and producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer.
ie. rumput ialah producer and primary consumer is deer. Since a lion eats deer, that makes lion the secondary consumer. Hehe....
DS has never got his confidence that he could acquire no. 1 position in class. But sejak pindah sekolah, his level of confidence just increased. He confidently said he could do this. Dulu, kalau tanya dia, dia akan tunjuk muka tak confidence dan muka down. So I am grateful that he is now "knows what he is doing"...
DS juga bercerita that he got "hadiah" from teacher the other day because he is the only one who got all correct in science. Wow! I was so impressed with this change. Alhamdulillah.
DD to me is not a problem dari dulu. She could do this only that she needs me to guide her and teach her the "easy way" to study. She also needs me to teach her "quick way" to understand a questions...
Otherwise, she can do it on her own.
So it has been about 2 months since we move and we have little complaint about "the move". So far everything is good. The kids tak ada problem except for DD yang occasionally kena buli dengan budak lelaki. We have complained to the teacher.
The teacher said if her exam goes well this week, maybe she will be transferred to a better class (now dia kena masuk kelas yang last sebab budak baru).. The teacher has also given good feedback on her performance so oklah. Apparently according to DD and DS (which joint her during sekolah agama) , budak2 lelaki tu suka dia... maybe budak kecik, bila suka budak pempuan dia kena kacau to get attention? hehe funny pun ada geram pun ada.
Siapa yang nak tau perkembangan Bau busuk - occasionally saja ada. Masa raya cina hari tu, our sis in law stayed with us and no bau at all. AT ALL TIMES. percaya tak?
Lately ada plak. So alhamdulillah our guests are comfortable during their stay.
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