Monday, March 4, 2013

Kids Project: I took it for granted...(and a bit of house update)

Sebelum tu.

House Project Update.
Aku dapati, ramai yang datang sini disebabkan "house projects".. hehe... Aku fahamlah camner hal rumah ni adalah satu hal yang sangat mengujakan. You just want to be right the first time and to have to have more information before you proceed with the project, kan?
If you ask me, I did a couple of mistakes along the way also. Satu lampu putus (the highest ceiling) manampakkan kerja si David electrician yang pakai bantai asal siap.
Inilah sorang cina yang aku rasa kerja tak berapa semenggah. Tapi disebabkan dia telah di recommend oleh electrician developer, aku rasa aku dah buat yang terbaik untuk memilih contractor. Cuma maybe I am unlucky. 
So my advise, dun go for cheap quotation, rather assess his past works. In my case, I have limited time so I trusted the recommendations by the electrician developer.
Jiran aku tengah giat renovate rumah. Tapi disebabkan urgency tak sama macam i, dah dekat 2 bulan jugaklah project dia. I nampak lampu dan kipas dah pasang. They are nice and frendly, cuma aku worry, anak2 aku bising dan mengganggu derang... hopefully mereka tak kisah.
Jiran lagi satu dan jiran belakang macam tak ada bibit2 atau tak pulak menonjolkan diri... Cuma rumah bungalow tu developer siap pasang air-condition da. wow. best ya.
My kitchen.
So far so good. Cuma malasnya nak bersihkan. Pacifica hood pulak buat pasal now. patah seribu. so rapuh.
I regret a bit on my decision to use granite top. The quality not so good maybe for mine. Asyik kena lap jer...
Or maybe memang normal gitu, aku jer wish for miracle.
Phase 2 update.
No aggressive plan for phase 2 project to continue. The good news is maybe we might be getting extra cash , dengarnya bonus will be in at the end of the month, so maybe I could continue a bit of the plan with that cash. Selebihnya kalau ada pun I need to put in project : Umrah DIY.
Backyard update.
I am still clueless how best to put up with the backyard. I want a nice backyard but i just need a time to plan it.
I need to do more research and design it properly.
Erm. panjangnya selingan.
What I want to update is actually on kids development.
Yesterday night we were having a quick revision on the subject for today's exam.
And I was shocked to know that DD has little malay vocab!
Ibu, what is curam?
and cerun?
pengetam tu apa plak?
apa tu alah bisa tegal biasa?
apa tu jeruk? mak ai! jeruk pun tak tau???? oh lupa masa aku kat kampung, kan ker activiti orang kampung buat jeruk mempelam.
I answered "jeruk tu asam masin... atau buah yang kita peram lama dengan cuka n garam dan gula"
"asam masin tu apa?"
hehehehehee... just coz your child is from malay speaking environment doesn't mean they will automatically inherit your language.
I came to conclusion.  Educating and nurturing is a never ending tasks. So embrace it dutifully.

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