Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ya Rabbi.....

Memang kengkadang tu kena banyak beristighfar jelah duk kat office ni to remain the sanity. haha.

When you have to communicate up and down the line, it proves to be a challenge.

Reporting to the ceo, board and audit committee - it is difficult but at the same time, it is an honor to share their wisdom and insight walaupun haruslah kena whack kaw kaw. I needed that sometimes to collect my "wisdom" point and "experience" point so my knowledge will grow.

Communicating to the staff for us a bit difficult. Kalau by function it shd be down to the line, eventhough by position these people might be above you. When we first start out, ramailah sentap.

Macam, hey i ni paduka baginda, how dare you give me instruction...

ataupun, Eh helo, you ni cam merlin jer a servant, i ni first knight, how dare you refuse my order. i suh you close that findings, close je la (walaupun dia belum close) muahahahaha....

ada aku kesah kak? ekekekeke.....

setaun aku tak kesah per ko nak kata. Tapi akhirnya bulan ni baru aku sentap kemain kan. tak leh berenti aku nangis even aku challenge ceo. haha. lantak ko la bedah, aku tak leh retract apa aku buat depan ceo tu nak wat camner.

Tapi hari ni aku nak citer lain plak. Yang ni pasal how about the communications with the lower rank subordinates...

I have 2 direct reports which I think ok. kena push boleh jalan. tak push, jalan separuh.

tapi ada 1 ni, yang i share with the other due to back up duties, push ke apa ke, hambekkk blur giler. Malas aku nak tunggu smua aku buatlah utk dia. macam apa tau? boss aku frustrated with me, he go and do himself and then come back to me to ask me sign the report. cam tulah.

disebabkan it is not a direct report, maleh aku nak counsel ker or cakap. tapi character aku yang sound direct dalam joke2 aku tu pun dia tak paham, akak give up. ie. dear depa 2 orang ni aku suh buat kaw kaw, ko punya aku buatkan bagai, ko nak kata ko anak tiri memang nak kena belasah la ko ya.." dia gelak je .. ha kan...

akak tensen la jugak tapi sebab budak2 bawah cam gini masih senang nak di lentur dan boleh di reassign, akak rasa tak yah lah akak nak strict bagai hantar corrective action ke apa. gaji depa pun ciput. position depa ni pun easily replacable.

so cam tulah....

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