Tuesday, April 2, 2013

High at work

Pernah tak rasa macam syok sangat buat kerja you just become very nervous?


Gila kan?

Pernah tak juga rasa cam nak terjun jer bila pressure giler! Nauzubillah.. Bukan betul2 nak buat, tapi perasaan tu undescribeable lah kan... jadik gitulah bila nak describe betapa pressurenya!

Pernah tak juga rasa cam "hey what is going on here, adakah anda akan mensabotaj saya" kind of feeling??? Gila gak. camner nak handle tu kan? Adakah ko tahu motifnya? boleh ker ko mendadak nak bertindak tak tentu pasal? Yang pasti, dia kena bertenang. sometimes that is the best weapon.


I got to know from other source that I will be given a choice. To lead the department or change department.. Apa tu?

Aku betul tak paham. Allah nak tarbiah aku mungkin. Aku ni kalau cakap straight to the point, so bila orang cakap dengan aku gini, aku tak boleh translate. I am stupid in that department.

So sekarang kerja aku asyik menganalysis menda2 gini.

Mungkinkah maksudnya:

1. Positively. That I am "that" good and I shared the higher authority values that I am being trusted to lead? He will gain from it in a sense that he needs someone to push and realize his vision, and all i have to do is to train my army to do it.... They will get the same vision and the same goal as it comes straight from me. It will be no longer "different interpretation" and "conflict of a results of wrongly interpretation"
2. Negatively. "hey i have a good replacement here. he is that good. but to put it nicely to you, maybe you want to change department on your freewill. So you do not get sensitive and cry over it.

But on no. 2, which department wants me now? muahahaha! i will be dead. I was envisioning that I will be given a responsibility to head the screwed up department,  not to be under the department head. you idiot you.

So, it is so tiring sometimes to think and analyse every single thing throwing at me. I could not control over what is being said behind me or planned behind me.

Tapi kan.. Alhamdulillah, i bertenang saja. Sesungguhnya rezeki datang dari Allah. I am very sure I will get a good replacement if I lose something. That is janji Allah. Ujian tu kadang2 bagi menggantikan sesuatu kepada sesuatu yang lebih baik....

remember that is what happened at my previous work place. look at me now. I would be miserable if I am stucked there. different kind of miserables... with a very low salary. kan?

I hope whoever have the same problem as me, cheer up! Allah is with us always.

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