Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Watch (or listen)... and learn

I have 2 things to share.
Tazkirah pagi tadi is so interesting. And I felt refreshed totally.
 Ustazah kata "Kita selalu ingat bila kita tegur orang hari ni, esok dia dah kena ikut cakap kita..." Peh tu kalau tak ikut, kita frust, marah... ehehe. (this can be applied to cara kita mendidik our children or family juga... )... tahukah kita, "Kalau nak tegur orang kena puji dulu"....
Contoh ada dalam surah Al-Fatihah. kalau kita memahami al-fatihah, Ayat 1-5 semua berbentuk pujian. Ayat ke 6 baru kita berdoa ... "Ihdinassirothol mustaqim" or maksudnya "Tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang lurus"..

Relevannya, itulah hikmah dan ikram. Adab sebelum menegur or meminta dari Allah juga dari manusia.... MasyaAllah. very powerful example. 5 kali puji2an sebelum kita berdoa meminta pada Allah.... MasyaAllah... Islam is really a way of life.  Something that I carved into my brain to remember forever.
I could apply this to my management. I know there are with many flaws (just the same with me but I am here to improve the management performance), and it took years to change their attitudes and mindset, if I did not start now and give up, I wont see the impact in the near future. true this is not my vision, but I am part of the mechanism.
Of course the second thing that I wanted to share is playtime thing. Play pun with some wisdomlah. Cannot lah play dengan pandangan kosong.
You know I have developed this obsession with Merlin since February right haha.
Last night episode was about Arthur and his painful decision of having to let go Guinevere.
The pressure as a king and how all his decision will be scrutinized by his advisor and the people has influence him in his decision making. He can't do things only by his instinct. Every single thing need to be done with wisdom, consequences of the decisions need to be analyzed, thus decisions cannot be by heart alone.
Relevannya pada aku? I tend to relate it to my higher authority. Right now, he needs to know the people is in confusion by some of management's decision. It helps that he accept all opinions even if it is not on his side. That makes the process easy. But he has his limitation also, which I have to understand.
And for the first time today, one of the manager is very outspoken and shared his own perspective. I think I can see the higher authority's face expression - impressed + terkezut (that this manager could finally speak his mind) + happy (because finally he get to understand what is in his mind).
I personally love this. This is what it is supposed to be. We need to debate and criticised decisions, so that we could juice up the benefits out of a situations. But actually,  the reason why the manager finally finding his voice because he is more relax now as he will be leaving the company. What a sad thing. He should know it will not jeopardize his position by speaking out. If he has that before, I think we could do much more :(....
But... this is fate and how it is supposed to be. I just need to move on.

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