Thursday, December 13, 2012


Dear Mr B (B for blog not my secret lover, in case you are curious),

Tonight is the night before I get the key to my new house.

What is in my mind? Berkali kali it went to my head, owh ni rupanya takdir Allah...ini rupanya rumah yang menunggu aku.... cubaan nak beli rumah di Malaysia ni dari tahun 90an.... lepas tu senyapppppp sampai tahun 2010 it was revived again.... 3 houses and hundreds of visit (online and onsites) ni rupanya rumah yang Allah takdirkan untuk aku...

For some people it might be just a house...for me it is a finishing line.... of years in wanting to own a house in Malaysia. Kalau Am tunggu Hawa 8 tahun... aku berbelas tahun hehe....

Anyway. Lets keep the tawadduk dan rasa bersyukur pada Allah yang tak terhingga... kita pergi pula kepada perasaan yang biasa biasa...

I was having mix feeling about work. love my job, love the colleagues, but dun love the situation. hmmm macam tak tepat perasaan tu.

Lets us drilled down. Whats bothering me?

Like today Mr B, as you know My CEO is great. I understand his aspiration for the company, I know behind the out of the world rough jokes he is a straight forward guy. Thats what makes it easy for me to work with him. I do not understand and just dun have the skill to beat around the bush so I grew impatient if someone tried to communicate with me for an hour and still did not resolve the problems. So....

I know Allah gave this to me as a form of training. He must have something for me down the road. tapi nak melalui ni, nampaknya susah.

The problems.

It looks like the problems came not from the ground. sometimes I wish someone will just raise their hands and said that the responsibilities fall under their jurisdiction and will rectify the problems at their best. dan my expectation is , org yg volunteer tu akan bermati-matian to ensure success within the short period of time and thus will contribute to the company's success within this short period of time and of course semua org akan rasa lega sambil tepuk tangan atas kejayaan si volunteer ni nanti bila dia order to do that of courselah you kena sondol, or bulldoze a couple of things...otherwise camner nak turn the unturn stone? eh betul tak pepatah tu.

Kalaulah semudah tu, I may enjoy this job more...tentulah aku akan bergandingan bahu menolong orang tu kemas2 batu2 yang telah dibulldoze tadi dan make sure jalan tu clear...jadi si volunteer tadi kerjanya focus jer membetulkan jalan kembali kepada jalan yg lurus...(cam translation surah al-fatihah lak yer)...

Masalahnya of the above problems...

ya dalam problem tu sendiri ada masalahnya. Masalahnya ialah:

1. instead of volunteering, they will do tai chi ing so nak resolve masalah ownership ni jer kena buat seratus meeting......
2. so dari volunteering now kena nominate org. secara kasarnya, u kena paksa dgn management to swallow the bitter pills.... 'swallow this now and bulldoze! we want results'
3. so nak tak nak mamat atau minah yang kena paksa ni jalannnnn..... tapi ada lagi masalah ya. ya, dalam problem ada masalah, dalam masalah ada issues... issuesnya ialah;
   a) org yg kena paksa ni tak ada the never say never attitude
   b) org ni pun tak berapa nak bermati-matian nak menjalankan tanggung jawab ni sbb dia rasa bukan kerja dia...
   c) org yang kena paksa ni susah hati kena bulldoze banyak orang atau menda, nanti semua org tak nak gi lunch ngan dia ekekekekeke so akhirnya, lemah lembut bulldozenya, kalau dah gaya gitu, tak banyak lah halangan yang dia boleh manouver..... kalau pun effective, timeline tu kena lama kena update board of director 2 tahun dari sekarang...huhu...
   d) yg paling crucial, org ni macam tak tau nak buat start dari help katanya... so kita kita ni macam aku ni, kena lah tebas jalan belukar depan orang ni supaya dia boleh jumpstart...sebab kalau org ni fail, ceo tak happy, bukan ker nanti kena patah balik ke pangkal jalan, pilih orang lain, start balik ground work, yang susah kang sapa ye dak, akuuuuu a way
lah. of course lagi susah company nilah kan...

Bayangkan setiap point tu, Nak pastikan kejayaan, kita kena buat checkpoint. tu belum lagi cerita pasal ugut, pasal marah2, pasal fitnah..... itulah yang buat aku penat. sometimes terasa kena jadik referee, kena jadik scheduler, kena jadik reminder, kena resolve problem. dan paling teruk bagi aku, kena explain kat owner of the problem tu, apa problem dia... tu aku cukup tak paham.... dan aku pernah menyaksikan, presentation to board ni, pakai kot bagai, tapi tak tau explain details of his own problems..... camner tu? bukan kena buat homework bagai ker sebelum important meeting? bagi akulah kan, ko boleh delegate tapi kalau ko check thoroughly you will know your source of problems. tak payah dirty your hand sangat as long as you follow through day to day... kan?

tu belum lagi cerita, being territorial dan departmentship. dah nak kena betulkan response to reflect the whole organization. Tak masuk dek akal aku, awat tak leh nak rationalize to that level ek? Moga in the future I am not going to be one of these characters.Amin!

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