Sunday, December 2, 2012

House Project: Finalizing things

Out of the 5 appointments we had, i do not like the 2.

Itu yang aku rasa pada waktu inilah, in the future I do not know. I do not have the work chemistry with them. My first impression on them .... they don't seem to give focus on my instruction. I hate it that they linger around even after I told them what to do, where to measure. and they always stick with each other. and worst after I have finished with them, they follow us every where!

Sorry for this bad impression but I was actually trying very hard not to lose my patience with them. well at least the tinted contracter, wendy gets my message. And guess what? she warned me against ah wuen. She said his work is no longer good... I am not sure what happenned between them, but obviously they no longer working together.

Ah chuen macam blur. his quotation is 4k plus. that is to relocate electrical point, additional power point and 1 additional aircond point. dia masukkan sekali upah pasang kipas dan lampu. tapi sebab bila aku tanya dia, jawapan dia slow motion, he is not the kind yang aku boleh work with.

Langsir contracter, I don't have problem at this stage. The kitchen cabinet pun ok. tindak balas quite cepat.cuma aku tak suka bila the hood switch solution tak berapa best. I need to discuss again with her. langsir punya problem is the master bedroom. tu pun i kena discuss lagi.

I realized I need to give extra attention to the wiring job, kittchen cab, wardrobe and langsir...i need to finda a good electrician very very soon. He needs to finish everything in 3 days max. Otherwise my schedule akan lari.....

Geez,.. where can I find one?

1 comment:

  1. One of my classmates, an engineer now a contractor of sorts, had wanted to open an electric co a while back. Dunno if he went on with that idea. I met him last year when he was on one of his projects in Pahang. I might ask him if he is in the business of wiring homes. Let me know if I should.
