Monday, December 17, 2012

House Project : En H

Hi Mr B.

I'm waiting for Adam and Hawa episode online. So I thought i dropped by.

Tonight is when I felt I lose control over the project.

Teringat ceramah prof Dr Muhaya, terngiang-ngiang cerita dia tentang satu patient ni yang sangat tenang sebelum pembedahan mata... dan kerana sikap positifnya, pembedahannya berjaya dan patient ni tak ada complaint lepas pembedahan tu...... setengah patient datang takut, asyik gusar maka lepas pembedahan masih lagi tak nampak jelas dan masalah2 lain....sampaikan prof sendiri terfikir tentang ini. Betapa kalau kita tenang, yakin pada Allah, kita lepaskan semua pada Allah iaitu bertawakkal maka akan datang yang baik2 saja.........insyaAllah.

Maka, selepas isyak tadi aku dapat idea untuk selesaikan masalah sedikit, tapi kegusaran dan keyakinan aku pada en H ni tak hilang juga. Aku cuba bertenang. instinct aku kuat nak tukar contractor. Tapi aku pujuk hati aku... maybe it is just a thought. Allah knows best why I did not choose Ah Choong.

Paling aku gusar dan jadi hilang keyakinan ialah bila aku tanya dia pasal pasang mosaic. dia kata kena hack. I went to search in youtube. guess what?

Aku watch here on the installation of modwalls, it was easy. Easy as in I can put up the cabinet first then years down the road I can still do this project.

Malaysia punya equivalent is

There goes my trust. but again, aku nak bersangka baik. He has the most critical job ever. wiring.

Anyway, I still have 'wall makeover by na' for an alternative solution to mosaic.

Why all of sudden about mosaic?

I left out this project in the quotation. Never think deep. I thought I have seen enough ideas. 

So another lessons learnt, do enough homework. Be more details. Dun leave it to last minute.

and it is ok to be kiasu and over dreaming! it helps a lot in the decisions actually!

Grrrr..... somehow I am feeling I need to focus on this project full time. 

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