Monday, December 17, 2012

House Project : Plumbing work

Just a short one Mr B.

I just want to update that I have over budgeted of most of the items.

I am seriously getting so scared right now.

The plumbing job came back with 2k. I managed to cut it down to 1850. It is not much but at least something.

So I guess, this house project will really be a longgggggggggggggggg way before it could finish. Goodness, what a nightmare.

But I am sure, I will beat this.

Not that I forget, first is the NEED.

Next will be the WANT.

Kay Mr B. I have reported this to my CEO (aka my hubby). But as my "office CEO", he should not hear the problem but solutions. So project manager still need to resolve this. I am just going to play around with figures, some items will be crossed, so I need not seek for another round of approval for requesting extra budget. So IT IS FINE FOR NOW. Don't you worry Mr B, I am going to be fine....


  1. I totally agree with you that even though there are things we want to achieve badly, but we can’t because we need to spend some dime on other things like plumbing. I wish your plumbing issues will be over soon so you can avoid spending another penny for it. Keep your head high and smile. Someday you’ll be able to buy the things that you want.

  2. Hanis, don’t feel bad about spending on plumbing. After all it is important to resolve or make sure that your plumbing system is in good condition. It is best to consider first the important things like this one, rather than regret later.

  3. Agreed with that. Thank you guys.

  4. It is a good investment to have a plumbing system that is in good condition, Hanis. If you don’t focus and invest wisely in it as early as the beginning of your house project, you would be sacrificing a lot of wants in the future; because for sure, you would be spending constantly for more plumbing works.

    Althea Tumlin
