Thursday, December 27, 2012

House Project: The packing

I am so tempted to reschedule the moving but the lorry driver got another appointment on it is fated we will move on friday the berkah day. Alhamdulillah.

Sebab nak cepat pack, my best weapon is the garbage bag. our motto tonite, 'throw or sorrow' muahahahha....lagipun dalam fridge tu mmg menda tak pernah tengok so throw sajalah. fikir kendian.  I do not expect to be cooking for a week since kitchen cabinet not ready yet....

now laundry. grrr! u know frankly speaking we never have a proper place for drying the clothes. we really want to wait for the new house, now 2 bakul tak kering. heran. dah berapa kotak isi baju i still have 4 full baskets of laundry. but small matterlah tu.

esok lepas subuh kena start bersihkan rumah kat sana.....kalau tak i betul pengsan! i still sedih pasal david pasang lampu gitu. i nak gak dia betulkan...tapi mata dia merayu jgn i cerewet sgt sbb ceiling tu tinggi sangat. wa jadik down. kan ker i ada penyakit perfectionist, menda kecil but it means a lot!
so tak semua org paham why i want it to be needs to be properly installed...

kan Mr B...? I hope tonite you look as dashing as u always do. telling my issues to you has always been my pleasure. I warned my husband that he needs to work with me if he wants to work with me. dia kesian kat i so dia amek cutilah esok.... u know macam kat office, takkan nak suh ceo lap lantai...kenalah project manager carik cleaner. tapi cleaner dah penuh sbb project manager lupa book sengsiang. so lousy kan project manager ni......

i pun lupa scheduled the astro punya move. merasalah tak ada tv gak kang......


  1. Hopefully all will be ready by March 15th, cos I will be in town and might want to inspect the workmanship of your house :)

  2. insyaAllah...time tu dapur da ready so at least can serve you something haha! (or heat up something ekekeke) but tak ada sofa ok ya en wahi... kita ikut zaman dulu duk bersimpuh hehehehe..
