Wednesday, December 19, 2012

House Project : En H part 2

Aku dropped by to the house yesterday selepas menguruskan perpindahan sekolah anak2 di PPD Seremban. 

Sebelum tu, adalah drama sedikit pasal SJKC Kg Baru Pajam. Beriyalah the headmistress nak interview budak yang masuk sekolah situ. I thought only top school has the strict guideline. So aku tanyalah, berapa orang dapat 7A UPSR sekolah tahun ni? Jawapannya, 0. Ok.. Berapa orang dapat 5A (perasan ya aku skip tanya 6A) , jawapannya, 1. 

Aik, punya ko cerewet pilih student, cenggitu jer resultnya?

Teruslah nyesal masuk sekolah tu. So 28 Dec 2012 nanti aku nak jumpa ngan headmistress ni. Hopefully Allah will lead me to a better school if this school is not meant to be. 

Problem sekarang ialah dengan SRA. Aku nakkkk gak derang masuk sekolah agama petang/pagi ni.

About the house.

Aku dapat quotation dari electrician developer and Ah Choong, so I asked En H to match with the price. He did not want to. So we came to an agreement that he will only finished with what he has started lepas tu, aku cari lah electrician lain. Better that way.

As I told him, (since he always do not have a figure and wants to take his own sweet time, aku tak sanggup nak dapat final figure 15K kang....)..... "dari saya tak mampu bayar En H, saya kena tengok quotation yang saya mampu...En H faham ya..." 

My hubby said, I am doing reverse psychology. But it is a true fact. I can't pay him if he will come to me with that figure. Kang nanti misunderstanding, sesia.....

House Progress.

The plumbing job is done, now waiting for the cabinet only. Di sebabkan En H punya kerja terlampau "lemah lembut" I cannot get the cabinet people to come. 

I paid deposit for the new electrician man. So they will start this friday. (Oh, they quote me for only RM2400 with the same amount of work En H "should be doing") but I will just see how their work first.

ADT guy came and provide quotation. semua sekali RM1480. So oklah tu. sebab nak request concealed cabelling. Ops lupa kena apply phone line.


Aku macam nak muntah cerita pasal rumah. Sampai satu malam tu, sebab penat sangat pikir, aku tengok youtube all about bloopers. Memula pasal Nora Elena. Tak berapa kelakar sangat. 

Cuba tengok bloopers Nur Kasih, muehehhehehe, gila terus destress.

Lepas tu bloopers FRIENDS. MasyaAllah the best bloopers everrrrrrrrr!! terus tak ingat masalah En H. muahahaha.....

Bloopers lain2 sitcom tak berapa best macam bloopers FRIENDS. I think they are funny outside the character as well. Or should I say, they are into the character that their bloopers are as funny as the character? Ha cam gitulah lebih kurang. 

Esok aku cuti lagi, it should be En H last day with us. Can't wait.

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